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Smooth Analysis-Suitable Parameterization Based on a Weighted and Modified Liao Functional

期刊: COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, 2021; 140 ()

Analysis-suitable parameterization is a fundamental problem in IGA (IsoGeometric Analysis) implementation which significantly influences computational......

Understanding the Effect of Hyperparameter Optimization on Machine Learning Models for Structure Design Problems

期刊: COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, 2021; 135 ()

To relieve the computational cost of design evaluations using expensive finite element (FE) simulations, surrogate models have been widely applied in ......

Volumetric Boundary Correspondence for Isogeometric Analysis Based on Unbalanced Optimal Transport

期刊: COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, 2021; 140 ()

Domain parameterization, i.e., constructing a map from a parameter domain to a computational domain, is a key step in isogeometric analysis. Before pa......

Enhanced Invariance Class Partitioning using Discrete Curvatures and Conformal Geometry

期刊: COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, 2021; 133 ()

Mesh models have been widely employed in current CAD/CAM systems, where the workpiece is considered as made up of a number of features limited by natu......

ScaffoldGAN: Synthesis of Scaffold Materials based on Generative Adversarial Networks

期刊: COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, 2021; 138 ()

Digitally synthesizing scaffold-like materials with complex structures, e.g., bones or metal foam, is a fundamental yet challenging task in tissue eng......

Part-in-whole point cloud registration for aircraft partial scan automated localization

期刊: COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, 2021; 137 ()

Skin deformation measurement is quite important for the aerodynamic performance of aircrafts. To achieve this, 3D scanning is usually adopted to captu......

Structure-aware geometric optimization of hexahedral mesh

期刊: COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, 2021; 138 ()

Current geometric optimization methods do not fully consider the overall structure of the model, which may make the effect of geometric optimization o......

Rethinking Origami: A Generative Specification of Origami Patterns with Shape Grammars

期刊: COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, 2021; 137 ()

As a ubiquitous paper folding art, origami has promising applications in science and engineering. Many software and parameterized methods have been pr......

Shape-aware Mesh Normal Filtering

期刊: COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, 2021; 140 ()

Mesh denoising is a fundamental yet open problem in geometry processing. The main challenge is to remove noise while recovering the shape of the under......

Quad Meshing with Coarse Layouts for Planar Domains

期刊: COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, 2021; 140 ()

We present a novel method to generate quad meshes with coarse quad layouts for planar domains. Our method contains two steps: (1) domain segmentation ......

Quasi-Developable and Signed Multi-Strip Approximation of a Freeform Surface Mesh for Efficient Flank Milling

期刊: COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, 2021; 140 ()

Five-axis flank milling is widely used due to its higher cutting efficiency and better surface finish quality compared with point milling. In recent y......

A Variational Framework for Computing Geodesic Paths on Sweep Surfaces

期刊: COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, 2021; 140 ()

Sweep is a natural, intuitive, and convenient 3D modeling method in computer-aided design. Sweep surface can be obtained by extruding a 2D cross-secti......

Multi-Axis Support-Free Printing of Freeform Parts with Lattice Infill Structures

期刊: COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, 2021; 133 ()

In additive manufacturing, infill structures are commonly used to reduce the weight and cost of a solid part. Currently, most infill structure generat......

Extracting Cycle-aware Feature Curve Networks from 3D Models

期刊: COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, 2021; 131 ()

Meaningful feature curves provide high-level shape representation of the geometrical shapes and are useful in various applications. In this paper, we ......

An Automated Approach for Execution Sequence-Driven Software and Physical Co-Design of Mechatronic Systems Based on Hybrid Functional Ontology

期刊: COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, 2021; 131 ()

Most mechatronic systems have becoming software-intensive. Even in their early design, the software and physical domains intersect with each other dee......

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