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Lengthening of the growth season, not increased water availability, increased growth of Picea likiangensis var. rubescens plantations on eastern Tibetan Plateau due to climate change

期刊: WEB ECOLOGY, 2022; 22 (2)

On the eastern Tibetan Plateau, the growth of trees is strongly affected by climate change. Previous researchers have found that climate warming chang......


Close-to-nature management positively improves the spatial structure of Masson pine forest stands

期刊: WEB ECOLOGY, 2021; 21 (1)

Close-to-nature management (CTNM) has been proposed as a promising forestry management approach to improve the structure and quality of forests, which......

Generalized nonlinear height-diameter models for a Cryptomeria fortunei plantation in the Pingba region of Guizhou Province, China

期刊: WEB ECOLOGY, 2018; 18 (1)

The relationship between height and diameter (H-D) is an important component in forest growth and yield models, and a better understanding of the rela......


Modelling plant invasion pathways in protected areas under climate change: implication for invasion management

期刊: WEB ECOLOGY, 2017; 17 (2)

Global climate change may enable invasive plant species (IPS) to invade protected areas (PAs), but plant invasion on a global scale has not yet been e......


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