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COVID-19 in conflict border regions: a case of South Kordofan, Sudan

期刊: CONFLICT AND HEALTH, 2021; 15 (1)

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was first reported in Sudan on 13 March 2020. Since then, Sudan has experienced one of the highest rates of C......

Conflict and COVID-19: a double burden for Afghanistan's healthcare system

期刊: CONFLICT AND HEALTH, 2020; 14 (1)

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has put an additional strain on Afghanistan's weak healthcare system. Prior to the pandemic, the government a......

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of Rohingya refugees with pre-existing health problems in Bangladesh

期刊: CONFLICT AND HEALTH, 2022; 16 (1)

Background Mental disorders among refugees have been well explored in several studies. However, longitudinal studies on the impact of the pandemic on ......

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