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Association of methamphetamine use with depressive symptoms and gender differences in this association: a meta-analysis

期刊: JOURNAL OF SUBSTANCE USE, 2020; 25 (4)

Background: Methamphetamine (MA) use has been empirically associated with depressive symptoms, but there is also evidence suggesting that MA dependenc......

Text, picture or video: effects of different consumption guidance methods on betel nut sensory evaluation and risk perception

期刊: JOURNAL OF SUBSTANCE USE, 2022; 27 (5)

Background This study explored the effects of consumption guidance on sensory evaluation and risk perception of betel nut consumers and compared the e......


The rise of global research trends on cathinones during 1994-2018: lessons from a systematic bibliometric analysis

期刊: JOURNAL OF SUBSTANCE USE, 2022; 27 (2)

Background: Cathinones have emerged as a worldwide health concern due to their increasing use. Objectives: The aim of this study was to perform a bibl......


Decreased serum calcium levels and negative correlation with degree of nicotine dependence in heavy smokers


Introduction: The objective of the present study was to investigate the influence of cigarette smoking on serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) calcium ......

Husband?s smoking behaviors associated with women?s depression in China: the importance of a smoke-free household


Background: Passive smoking is a significant public health problem worldwide. The aim of this study was to examine the association between passive smo......

Substance use and strategies to avoid relapses following treatment: A narrative approach with clients undertaking a twelve-step program in Sweden

期刊: JOURNAL OF SUBSTANCE USE, 2019; 24 (2)

Introduction: There is a need for a better understanding of clients who undergo treatment for substance use, especially to avoid relapse. Aims: To ide......


Prediction of injunctive and descriptive norms for willingness to quit smoking: The mediating role of smoking risk perception

期刊: JOURNAL OF SUBSTANCE USE, 2018; 23 (3)

Although social norms play an important role in smoking cessation, relatively little is known about the underlying mechanisms of influence of specific......


The impact of cigarette smoking on healthcare utilization among rural residents in China

期刊: JOURNAL OF SUBSTANCE USE, 2018; 23 (6)

Objectives: To assess how cigarette smoking affects health care utilization among rural residents in China and to analyze the choice of health facilit......


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