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Automatic extraction of Uyghur domain concepts based on multi-feature for ontology extension

期刊: IET NETWORKS, 2020; 9 (4)

In the internet age, as a conceptual model of knowledge organisation, ontology has become a research hotspot. Ontology extension achieves the purpose ......

Scalable and efficient authentication scheme for secure smart grid communication

期刊: IET NETWORKS, 2020; 9 (4)

Smart grids represent the latest trend that has disrupted the energy supplier sector. They are in the form of smart meters that automatically communic......

Delay-aware and cost-efficient probabilistic transmission for opportunistic networks

期刊: IET NETWORKS, 2020; 9 (6)

The opportunistic network has become an appealing paradigm since it can reduce the energy consumption and cost on cellular network connections and rel......

Finite-time convergence of group flocking for multi-agent systems with mismatched/matched disturbances

期刊: IET NETWORKS, 2020; 9 (6)

In this study, the problem of grouping motion for a second-order multi-agent network with both matched disturbances and mismatched disturbances is inv......

Efficient certificate-based aggregate signature scheme for vehicular ad hoc networks

期刊: IET NETWORKS, 2020; 9 (6)

As vehicle speed is fast and on board units' (OBUs) computing power, storage space, bandwidth and other resources are very limited, the efficiency of ......

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