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A resolution calculus for MinSAT

期刊: LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL, 2021; 29 (1)

The logical calculus for SAT are not valid for MaxSAT and MinSAT because they preserve satisfiability but not the number of unsatisfied clauses. To ov......

Evolution of financial network through non-linear coupling of time series

期刊: LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL, 2020; 28 (2)

The structure of financial market is captured using an analysis of non-linear coupling between various stocks using a novel time warping method known ......

A restricted second-order logic for non-deterministic poly-logarithmic time

期刊: LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL, 2020; 28 (3)

We introduce a restricted second-order logic for finite structures where second-order quantification ranges over relations of size at most poly-logari......

Mining correlated high-utility itemsets using various measures

期刊: LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL, 2020; 28 (1)

Discovering high-utility itemsets (HUIs) consists of finding sets of items that yield a high profit in customer transaction databases. An important li......

Some lattice-ordered algebras on which all congruences are principal

期刊: LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL, 2019; 27 (3)

We characterize, via their dual spaces, the symmetric extended distributive lattices, symmetric extended Stone algebras and symmetric extended Kleene ......


On categorical equivalences of equality algebras and monadic equality algebras

期刊: LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL, 2019; 27 (3)

In this paper, we study the properties of monadic equality algebras (ME-algebras) and give the categorical equivalence of ME-algebras. Also, we charac......


Gentzen sequent calculi for some intuitionistic modal logics

期刊: LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL, 2019; 27 (4)

Intuitionistic modal logics are extensions of intuitionistic propositional logic with modal axioms. We treat with two modal languages L-lozenge and L-......


Monadic NM-algebras

期刊: LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL, 2019; 27 (6)

In this paper, we investigate universal and existential quantifiers on NM-algebras. The resulting class of algebras will be called monadic NM-algebras......


Godel's second incompleteness theorem for Sigma(n)-definable theories

期刊: LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL, 2018; 26 (2)

Godel's second incompleteness theorem is generalized by showing that any Sigma(n+1)-definable and Sigma(n)-sound extension of Peano arithmetic (PA) ca......


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