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The Biological Roles of lncRNAs and Future Prospects in Clinical Application

期刊: DISEASES, 2021; 9 (1)

Chemo and radiation therapies are the most commonly used therapies for cancer, but they can induce DNA damage, resulting in the apoptosis of host cell......

Saliva Exhibits High Sensitivity and Specificity for the Detection of SARS-COV-2

期刊: DISEASES, 2021; 9 (2)

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is crucial to assess the application of a multitude of effective diagnostic specimens for conducting mass tes......

Swiss-Chinese Cooperation in Tropical Medicine: The Role of Professor Marcel Tanner

期刊: DISEASES, 2022; 10 (4)

This paper is in honour of Professor Marcel Tanner, President of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, and former Director of the Swiss Tropical a......

Short-, Mid-, and Long-Term Epidemiological and Economic Effects of the World Bank Loan Project on Schistosomiasis Control in the People's Republic of China

期刊: DISEASES, 2022; 10 (4)

It is widely acknowledged that the 10-year World Bank Loan Project (WBLP) on schistosomiasis control in the People's Republic of China played an impor......

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