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Understanding the social impacts of enforcement activities on illegal wildlife trade in China

期刊: AMBIO, 2022; 51 (7)

Illegal wildlife trade enforcement is a cornerstone conservation strategy worldwide, yet we have a limited understanding on its social impacts. Using ......


The scale identification associated with priority zone management of the Yangtze River Estuary

期刊: AMBIO, 2022; 51 (7)

Watershed and catchment area-based water quality management are important methods for comprehensive management of rivers and lakes. The impacts of lan......


Polycentric and resilient perspectives for governing the commons: Strategic and law and economics insights for sustainable development

期刊: AMBIO, 2022; 51 (9)

Commons governance theory is central to identifying and managing conflicts arising from natural and cultural resources traps. Scholars - using game th......


Air pollution perception in ten countries during the COVID-19 pandemic

期刊: AMBIO, 2022; 51 (3)

As largely documented in the literature, the stark restrictions enforced worldwide in 2020 to curb the COVID-19 pandemic also curtailed the production......


Microcredit programs may increase risk to pastoralist livelihoods in Inner Mongolia

期刊: AMBIO, 2022; 51 (4)

The literature on microcredit programs has largely focused on positive socioeconomic outcomes and low accessibility issues in farming areas and has pr......


Driving factors for coordinating urbanization with conservation of the ecological environment in China

期刊: AMBIO, ; ()

Urbanization is a dominant component of social and economic development around the world, but this process creates tremendous pressure on the ecologic......

Intensification, regulation and diversification: The changing face of inland aquaculture in China

期刊: AMBIO, ; ()

Trends in aquatic food consumption were matched against farm production surveys within Hubei province and compared to official production data and sta......

Multilevel analysis of factors affecting participants' land reconversion willingness after the Grain for Green Program

期刊: AMBIO, ; ()

Understanding the postprogram land use plans of participants is necessary for the sustainability of the conservation achievements from payments for ec......

Bridging the science-practice gaps in nature-based solutions: A riverfront planning in China

期刊: AMBIO, ; ()

Prominent gaps exist between science and practice in the field of nature-based solutions (NBS) worldwide, with relatively well formulated concepts but......

Balancing ecological conservation with socioeconomic development

期刊: AMBIO, 2021; 50 (5)

Ecological restoration and conservation are primary components of sustainable development around the world, particularly during the contemporary era o......

The socioeconomic and environmental drivers of the COVID-19 pandemic: A review

期刊: AMBIO, 2021; 50 (4)

In recent decades, there has been an intensification of the socioeconomic and environmental drivers of pandemics, including ecosystem conversion, meat......

Protection of wetlands as a strategy for reducing the spread of avian influenza from migratory waterfowl

期刊: AMBIO, 2020; 49 (4)

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 has led to the death or destruction of millions of domesticated and wild birds and caused hundreds of hu......

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