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Gonadal Maturation and Maturity Staging of the Pacific Sand Lance Ammodytes personatus (Ammodytidae)

期刊: JOURNAL OF ICHTHYOLOGY, 2022; 62 (5)

Detailed attributes on oogenesis, spermatogenesis, ovarian, and testicular maturity phases of the Pacific sand lance Ammodytes personatus are describe......

New Data on the Growth Pattern of Four Fishes from the Lancang River, China

期刊: JOURNAL OF ICHTHYOLOGY, 2022; 62 (5)

This study determined the length-weight relationships of four fish species (Garra cambodgiensis (Tirant, 1883), Glyptothorax zanaensis Wu, He and Chu,......

Molecular and Morphological Analyses Suggest Cryptic Diversity of Eel Gobies, Genus Taenioides (Gobiidae), in Coastal Waters of China

期刊: JOURNAL OF ICHTHYOLOGY, 2022; 62 (6)

The current classification of eel goby of genus Taenioides (Gobiidae: Amblyopinae) recognizes two species in coastal waters of China, which is based o......

Development of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers for the Autotetraploid Scaphirhynchus Sturgeons (Acipenseriformes)

期刊: JOURNAL OF ICHTHYOLOGY, 2022; 62 (7)

North American river sturgeons of the genus Scaphirhynchus include three species: S. platorynchus, S. albus and S. suttkusi that live in the Missouri,......

Distribution and Some Traits of Biology of Sculpins of Genus Triglops (Cottidae) in the Sea of Japan

期刊: JOURNAL OF ICHTHYOLOGY, 2021; 61 (1)

It was revealed that the southern border of the range of spectacled sculpin Triglops scepticus runs in the region of 37 degrees 23 ' N. It has been co......

Sequencing and Characterisation of Complete Mitogenome DNA for Rasbora hobelmani (Cyprinidae) with Phylogenetic Consideration

期刊: JOURNAL OF ICHTHYOLOGY, 2020; 60 (1)

The Kottelat rasbora Rasbora hobelmani is a small ray-finned fish categorized under the genus Rasbora in the Cyprinidae family. In this study, the com......

Reproduction, Growth, Mortality and Yield of the GoatfishUpeneus sulphureusin Northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh

期刊: JOURNAL OF ICHTHYOLOGY, 2020; 60 (3)

Information on stock condition and reproductive biology are important for fisheries conservation and management planning. This study examined reproduc......

Distribution and Some Biological Features of Antlered Sculpin Enophrys diceraus (Cottidae) in Russian Waters of the Sea of Japan

期刊: JOURNAL OF ICHTHYOLOGY, 2019; 59 (2)

In Russian waters of the Sea of Japan, antlered sculpin Enophrys diceraus occurs throughout the year at depths of 4-605 m and temperature of -1.4 to +......

Research on processing the output signal from the capacitive gate sensor based DSP


In the test engineering relating to the displacement, the capacitive gate sensor has been widely used because of its high cost performance, small volu......

Bias Removal Techniques for Component Pursuit


The component pursuit problem is introduced under blind environment when Gaussian noise is present. An improved quantitative measure of non-Gaussianit......

Distribution and Some Features of Biology of Gilbert's Irish Lord Hemilepidotus gilberti (Cottidae) in the Russian Waters of the Sea of Japan

期刊: JOURNAL OF ICHTHYOLOGY, 2018; 58 (4)

Main concentrations of Gilbert's Irish lord Hemilepidotus gilberti in the Russian waters of the Sea of Japan are registered off the coasts of South an......

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