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An extension of Hawkes processes with ephemeral nearest effects

期刊: STOCHASTIC MODELS, 2021; 37 (2)

Hawkes processes have been widely studied in both theory and applications because of their self-exciting effects, but there are still some questions a......

Stochastic delay differential neoclassical growth system

期刊: STOCHASTIC MODELS, 2021; 37 (2)

In the stochastic delay differential neoclassical growth system, the white noises stochastically perturb some parameters. we show that the stochastic ......

Markov modulated fluid network process: Tail asymptotics of the stationary distribution

期刊: STOCHASTIC MODELS, 2020; 37 (1)

We consider a Markov modulated fluid network with a finite number of stations. We are interested in the tail asymptotics behavior of the stationary di......

Lundberg-type inequalities for non-homogeneous risk models

期刊: STOCHASTIC MODELS, 2020; 36 (4)

In this paper, we investigate the ruin probabilities of non-homogeneous risk models. By employing martingale method, the Lundberg-type inequalities of......

Sample paths of continuous-state branching processes with dependent immigration

期刊: STOCHASTIC MODELS, 2019; 35 (2)

We prove the existence and pathwise uniqueness of the solution to a stochastic integral equation driven by Poisson random measures based on Kuznetsov ......


M-estimator and its weak consistency for a (2,1) random walk in a parametric random environment

期刊: STOCHASTIC MODELS, 2019; 35 (3)

Consider a (2, 1) random walk in an i.i.d. random environment, whose environment involves certain parameter. We construct an M-estimator for the envir......


Equivalent measure changes for subordinate diffusions

期刊: STOCHASTIC MODELS, 2019; 35 (4)

A subordinate diffusion is a Markovian jump-diffusion or pure jump process obtained by time changing a diffusion process with an independent Levy or a......


The variance constant for continuous-time level dependent quasi-birth-and-death processes

期刊: STOCHASTIC MODELS, 2018; 34 (1)

We derive the variance constant of continuous-time level dependent quasi-birth-and-death processes by investigating the expected integral functionals ......


Infinite-time absolute ruin in dependent renewal risk models with constant force of interest

期刊: STOCHASTIC MODELS, 2017; 33 (1)

Consider a renewal risk model with a constant premium and a constant force of interest rate, where the claim sizes and inter-arrival times follow cert......


Stochastic monotonicity and comparability of Markov chains with block-monotone transition matrices and their applications to queueing systems

期刊: STOCHASTIC MODELS, 2017; 33 (4)

Motivated by various applications in queueing theory, this article is devoted to the stochastic monotonicity and comparability of Markov chains with b......


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