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Art, Anthropology and Non-Han Bodies: Pang Xunqin's Paintings of Miao People in Guizhou Province in the 1940s

期刊: VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 2022; 35 (4-5)

This paper considers the ways in which the painter Pang Xunqin translated the bodies of non-Han people, by examining his visual representation of the ......

First-Mind Rich, Second-Pocket Rich: Art as a Means to Revitalize Declining Community; The Case Study of Gejia Village

期刊: VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 2022; 35 (4-5)

Using the example of Gejia village, the article concentrates on art-inspired activities used to revitalize rural areas in China. In particular, it ana......

Bad Girl, Femme Fatale, and the Androgynous Body: Cantopop Queen Anita Mui's Gender Game

期刊: VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 2021; 34 (2)

This article examines the career of the Hong Kong popular singer, Anita Mui (1963-2003), widely known as the Cantopop Queen throughout the Chinese-spe......

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