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Mapping the scientific research on maize or corn: a bibliometric analysis of top papers during 2008-2018

期刊: MAYDICA, 2020; 65 (2)

Based on the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database, this study analyzed 966 top papers of maize and corn research from 2008 to 2018, which inclu......

Summer maize grain yield and water use efficiency response to straw mulching and plant density

期刊: MAYDICA, 2020; 65 (3)

The demand for food security and fresh water due to global warming causes an elevated requirement for food production and water efficiency in the Nort......

QTL analysis for yield-related traits under different water regimes in maize

期刊: MAYDICA, 2019; 64 (2)

Drought is one of the most essential factors influencing maize yield. Improving maize varieties with drought tolerance by using marker-assisted or gen......


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