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Quantifying shape similarity between prey and uninteresting models to study animal masquerade

期刊: BEHAVIOUR, 2021; 158 (1)

Masquerade occurs when an organism resembles an inedible or uninteresting object (model), such as a leaf, stick, or stone. The shapes of many species ......

Overturning and rolling avoidance by gecko when challenged with inclines

期刊: BEHAVIOUR, 2020; 157 (6)

Understanding how animals avoid overturning and rolling in motion to maintain movement stability and to accommodate their habitat and the mechanisms o......

Who's there? Third parties affect social interactions between spider monkey males

期刊: BEHAVIOUR, 2020; 157 (8-9)

Spider monkeys provide an intriguing opportunity to examine behavioural flexibility in relation to their social environment given their high degree of......

Feeding competition inferred from patch depletion in a supergroup of Rwenzori black-and-white colobus monkeys (Colobus angolensis ruwenzorii) in Rwanda

期刊: BEHAVIOUR, 2020; 157 (8-9)

Competition for food is often a cost associated with living in a group, and can occur in an indirect (scramble) or direct (contest) form. We investiga......

Characterization of fever and sickness behavior regulated by cytokines during infection

期刊: BEHAVIOUR, 2020; 157 (10-11)

In response to invasion of pathogens, hosts present fever and a series of behavioural changes including reduced grooming, reduction of foraging, decre......

Personality is associated with dominance in a social feeding context in the great tit

期刊: BEHAVIOUR, 2019; 156 (13-14)

Despite the growing interest in consistent individual differences in behaviour (animal personality), the influence of social context on different beha......


Lengthy leader male tenure delays male offspring dispersal in a primate multilevel society

期刊: BEHAVIOUR, 2019; 156 (13-14)

Natal dispersals are male-biased in most Old World monkey species, especially those that are polygynous. We examined patterns of male dispersal in gol......


Why do female desert lizards construct burrows to lay eggs?

期刊: BEHAVIOUR, 2017; 154 (9-10)

Many oviparous animals construct well-designed nests to provide relatively favourable conditions for their eggs and hatchlings, but the direct evidenc......


Fleshy scoli removed without detriment: structure and potential anti-predation function in a slug caterpillar (Limacodidae)

期刊: BEHAVIOUR, 2022; 159 (2)

Anti-predator outgrowths are found prevalent in animals such as stinging spines of caterpillars. However, an encounter with a predator is usually fata......


Chinese red panda (Ailurus styani) has stable individual-level laterality of anogenital rubbing

期刊: BEHAVIOUR, 2022; 159 (3-4)

Behavioural laterality was widely discovered in both vertebrates and invertebrates. However, reports of behavioural laterality in scent-marking are sc......


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