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Hormonal and Sugar Treatment methods

Plant Physiol. 2006 January; 140(1): 302–310

Hormonal and Sugar Treatment The effects of ABA on seed germination were studied by determining the germination rates of 70 to 100 seeds pretreated with deionized water or 100 μm fluridone and planted in triplicate on medium containing ABA (mixed isomers; Sigma). The effects of Glc, Suc, mannitol, and sorbitol were studied in a similar manner. Sterilized seeds were stratified at 4°C for 48 h and sown on plates containing different concentrations or types of sugars (d-Glc, Suc, d-mannitol, and d-sorbitol) in triplicate. For direct comparisons of germination rates, each plate was subdivided and all seed lines were planted on the same plate.

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