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生活质量报告 results

Exp Ther Med . 2020 Dec;20(6):189. doi: 10.3892/etm.2020.9319

In order to assess the QoL, several parameters were analyzed, both at younger and older ages, illustrated inTable II. The highest IDQOL scores were found in pruritus, child's disposition, and treatment problems. The lowest scores were related to sleep disturbance and the time needed to fall asleep. In older children, the QoL assessed by CDLQI, in both age groups, the highest scores were related to problems during school, holidays and pruritus. The lowest scores for these age groups were obtained on questions related to sleep and treatment. The significant difference between the 2 groups, respectively 5-9 and 10-16 years, was obtained concerning the swimming questions. At this question, the highest QoL deficiency was obtained in children aged 5-9 years. Other significant elements between the 2 groups would be questions about teasing, intimidation, sleep problems and hobbies. These questions had higher values in children aged 5-9 years compared with those in the group of 10-16 years.

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