Intensity Assessment of Erosion-Accumulative Processes in the Selenga Middle Mountains (Case Study of the Gully Network of the Nizhnyaya Bulanka Depression, Western Transbaikalia)

Tsydypov, BZ; Sodnomov, BV; Chernykh, VN; Ilyin, YM; Gurzhapov, BO; Ayurzhanaev, AA; Semenova, MV; Zharnikova, MA; Alymbaeva, ZB; Batotsyrenov, EA; Li, FJ; Cheng, H; Bazarzhapov, T; Boldanov, T; Dong, SC; Garmaev, EZ

Tsydypov, BZ (corresponding author), Russian Acad Sci, Baikal Inst Nat Management, Siberian Branch, Ulan Ude 670047, Russia.

GEOSCIENCES, 2020; 10 (10):


The advantages of a quantitative assessment of the spatial and temporal variability of the boundaries and volumes of ravines using modern means and me......

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