Genetically identical twin-pair difference models support the amyloid cascade hypothesis

Coomans, EM; Tomassen, J; Ossenkoppele, R; Tijms, BM; Lorenzini, L; ten Kate, M; Collij, LE; Heeman, F; Rikken, RM; van der Landen, SM; den Hollander, ME; Golla, SSV; Yaqub, M; Windhorst, AD; Barkhof, F; Scheltens, P; de Geus, EJC; Visser, PJ; van Berckel, BNM; den Braber, A

Coomans, EM (通讯作者),Vrije Univ Amsterdam Med Ctr, Amsterdam UMC, Dept Radiol & Nucl Med, De Boelelaan 1118, NL-1081 HZ Amsterdam, Netherlands.

BRAIN, 2023; 146 (9): 3735


The amyloid cascade hypothesis has strongly impacted the Alzheimer's disease research agenda and clinical trial designs over the past decades, but pre......

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