Performance of the EULAR/ACR 2019 classification criteria for systemic lupus erythematous in monogenic lupus

Al-Mayouf, SM; Akbar, L; Abdwani, R; Ginesi, G; Volpi, S; Gattorno, M; Bakry, R; AlHashim, S; Alsaleem, A

Al-Mayouf, SM (通讯作者),Alfaisal Univ, King Faisal Specialist Hosp & Res Ctr, Coll Med, Pediat Rheumatol, POB 3354, Riyadh 11211, Saudi Arabia.

CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY, 2022; 41 (9): 2721


Objective To evaluate the application of the EULAR/ACR-2019 criteria to monogenic lupus patients and compare its performance against the SLICC-2012 cr......

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