Coenzyme Q(10) Analogues: Benefits and Challenges for Therapeutics

Suarez-Rivero, JM; Pastor-Maldonado, CJ; Povea-Cabello, S; Alvarez-Cordoba, M; Villalon-Garcia, I; Munuera-Cabeza, M; Suarez-Carrillo, A; Talaveron-Rey, M; Sanchez-Alcazar, JA

Sanchez-Alcazar, JA (corresponding author), Univ Pablo de Olavide, Inst Salud Carlos III, Ctr Andaluz Biol Desarrollo CABD CSIC, Seville 41013, Spain.

ANTIOXIDANTS, 2021; 10 (2):


Coenzyme Q(10) (CoQ(10) or ubiquinone) is a mobile proton and electron carrier of the mitochondrial respiratory chain with antioxidant properties wide......

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