Heart rate disorders in patients with Tako-tsubo syndrome

Vedia, O; Almendro-Delia, M; López-País, J; Pérez-Castellanos, A; Uribarri, A; Duran-Cambra, A; Martín-Garcia, A; Núñez-Gil, IJ

Vedia, O (通讯作者),Hosp Clin San Carlos, Inst Cardiovasc, Madrid, Spain.;Vedia, O (通讯作者),European Univ Madrid, Fac Biomed Sci & Hlth, Madrid, Spain.

MEDICINA CLINICA, 2023; 161 (8): 330


Objectives: This study sought to evaluate the incidence, prognosis and treatment of heart rhythm disorders (HRD) in Tako-tsubo syndrome (TTS).Backgrou......

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