Characterization of an Unusual α-Oxoamine Synthase Off-Loading Domain from a Cyanobacterial Type I Fatty Acid Synthase

Ogonkov, A; Dieterich, CL; Meoded, RA; Piel, J; Fraley, AE; Sasso, S

Fraley, AE (通讯作者),Swiss Fed Inst Technol, Inst Microbiol, Dept Biol, Vladimir Prelog Weg 4, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland.;Sasso, S (通讯作者),Univ Leipzig, Inst Biol, Johannisallee 23, D-04107 Leipzig, Germany.

CHEMBIOCHEM, 2023; ():


Type I fatty acid synthases (FASs) are known from higher eukaryotes and fungi. We report the discovery of FasT, a rare type I FAS from the cyanobacter......

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