Bcl-2-like Protein 11 (BIM) Expression Is Associated with Favorable Prognosis for Patients with Cervical Cancer

Kim, BW; Cho, H; Ylaya, K; Kitano, H; Chung, JY; Hewitt, SM; Kim, JH

Kim, JH (reprint author), Yonsei Univ, Gangnam Severance Hosp, Dept Obstet & Gynecol, Coll Med, 146-92 Dogok Dong, Seoul 135720, South Korea.; Hewitt, SM (reprint author), NCI, Pathol Lab, Ctr Canc Res, NIH, MSC1500, Bethesda, MD 20892 USA.

ANTICANCER RESEARCH, 2017; 37 (9): 4873