Both B-1a and B-1b cells exposed to Mycobacterium tuberculosis lipids differentiate into IgM antibody-secreting cells

Ordonez, C; Savage, HP; Tarajia, M; Rivera, R; Weeks-Galindo, C; Sambrano, D; Riley, L; Fernandez, PL; Baumgarth, N; Goodridge, A

Goodridge, A (reprint author), Inst Invest Cient & Serv Alta Tecnol INDICASAT AI, TB Biomarker Res Unit, Ctr Biol Mol & Celular Enfermedades, Ciudad Del Saber, Clayton, Panama.

IMMUNOLOGY, 2018; 154 (4): 613


Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The cellular immune response to mycobacteria has been characterized extens......

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