Myxoid glioneuronal tumour - report of three cases of a new tumour in a typical location and review of literature

Narvaez, ED; Inada, BSY; De Almeida, PRSF; Freitas, LF; Soldatelli, MD; Costa, DMC; Marussi, VHR; Campos, CS; Araujo, JLV; Carrete, H; Do Amaral, LLF

Narvaez, ED (corresponding author), Hosp Beneficencia Portuguesa Sao Paulo, Dept Neuroradiol, BP Med Diagnost, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

BJR CASE REPORTS, 2021; 7 (4):


Formerly called dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour (DNET) of the septum pellucidum, myxoid glioneuronal tumour (MGT) was recently recognized as a......

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