Baseline clinical characteristics and disease burden in patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH): updated analysis from the International PNH Registry

Schrezenmeier, H; Roth, A; Araten, DJ; Kanakura, Y; Larratt, L; Shammo, JM; Wilson, A; Shayan, G; Maciejewski, JP

Schrezenmeier, H (corresponding author), Univ Ulm, Inst Transfus Med, Ulm, Germany.; Schrezenmeier, H (corresponding author), Baden Wurttemberg Hessen & Univ Hosp Ulm, German Red Cross Bloodtransfus Serv, Inst Clin Transfus Med & Immunogenet, Hehnholtzstr 10, Ulm 89081, Germany.

ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY, 2020; 99 (7): 1505


The International Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) Registry (NCT01374360) was initiated to optimize patient management by collecting data reg......

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