May ultrasonography be considered a useful tool for bedside screening of dysphagia in patients with acute stroke? A cohort study

Picelli, A; Modenese, A; Poletto, E; Businaro, V; Varalta, V; Gandolfi, M; Bonetti, B; Smania, N

Picelli, A (corresponding author), Univ Verona, Neuromotor & Cognit Rehabil Res Ctr, Dept Neurosci Biomed & Movement Sci, Unit Neurorehabil,Sect Phys & Rehabil Med, Ple LA Scuro 10, I-37134 Verona, Italy.

MINERVA MEDICA, 2021; 112 (3): 354


BACKGROUND: Dysphagia is a primary risk factor for pneumonia and affects around 50% of acute stroke patients. Systematic bedside swallowing screening ......

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