Androgenetic/biparental mosaicism in a diploid mole-like conceptus: report of a case with triple paternal contribution

Donzel, M; Gaillot-Durand, L; Joubert, M; Aziza, J; Beneteau, C; Mauduit, C; Ploteau, S; Hajri, T; Bolze, PA; Massardier, J; Devouassoux-Shisheboran, M; Sunde, L; Allias, F

Allias, F (通讯作者),Ctr Hosp Lyon Sud, Hosp Civils Lyon, Dept Pathol, 165 Chemin Grand Revoyet, F-69495 Pierre Benite, France.;Allias, F (通讯作者),Ctr Hosp Lyon Sud, Hosp Civils Lyon, French Reference Ctr Gestat Trophoblast Dis, Pierre Benite, France.