Changes in ambulance departures for assault calls during COVID-19 pandemic restrictions

Pisl, V; Vevera, J; Stepánek, L; Volavka, J

Pisl, V (通讯作者),Charles Univ Prague, Dept Psychiat, Fac Med, Plzen, Czech Republic.;Pisl, V (通讯作者),Fac Med, Dept Psychiat, Alej Svobody 80, Plzen 30460, Czech Republic.;Pisl, V (通讯作者),Univ Hosp Plzen, Alej Svobody 80, Plzen 30460, Czech Republic.

AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR, 2023; 49 (1): 76


Restrictions related to COVID-19 changed the daily behavior of people, including the expression of violence. Although an increased incidence of violen......

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