Trigeminal neuralgia diffusivities using Gaussian process classification and merged group tractography

Chen, DQX; Zhong, JD; Chu, PPW; Li, CMF; Hodaie, M

Hodaie, M (corresponding author), Univ Hlth Network, Krembil Res Inst, Toronto, ON, Canada.; Hodaie, M (corresponding author), Univ Hlth Network, Toronto Western Hosp, Div Neurosurg, Toronto, ON, Canada.; Hodaie, M (corresponding author), Univ Toronto, Dept Surg, Toronto, ON, Canada.

PAIN, 2021; 162 (2): 361


Imaging of trigeminal neuralgia (TN) has demonstrated key diffusion tensor imaging-based diffusivity alterations in the trigeminal nerve; however, ima......

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