First direct observation of isomeric decay in neutron-rich odd-odd Ta-186

Watanabe, YX; Walker, PM; Hirayama, Y; Mukai, M; Watanabe, H; Lane, GJ; Ahmed, M; Brunet, M; Hashimoto, T; Ishizawa, S; Kimura, S; Kondev, FG; Litvinov, YA; Miyatake, H; Moon, JY; Niwase, T; Oyaizu, M; Park, JH; Podolyak, Z; Rosenbusch, M; Schury, P; Wada, M

Watanabe, YX (corresponding author), High Energy Accelerator Res Org KEK, Inst Particle & Nucl Studies, Wako Nucl Sci Ctr, Wako, Saitama 3510198, Japan.

PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 2021; 104 (2):


Deexcitation. rays associated with an isomeric state of Ta-186 were investigated. The isomers were produced in multinucleon transfer reactions between......

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