Cross-cultural effects of parent warmth and control on aggression and rule-breaking from ages 8 to 13

Rothenberg, WA; Lansford, JE; Bacchini, D; Bornstein, MH; Chang, L; Deater-Deckard, K; Di Giunta, L; Dodge, KA; Malone, PS; Oburu, P; Pastorelli, C; Skinner, AT; Sorbring, E; Steinberg, L; Tapanya, S; Tirado, LMU; Yotanyamaneewong, S; Alampay, LP; Al-Hassan, SM

Rothenberg, WA (corresponding author), Duke Univ, Ctr Child & Family Policy, Box 90545, Durham, NC 27708 USA.

AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR, 2020; 46 (4): 327


We investigated whether bidirectional associations between parental warmth and behavioral control and child aggression and rule-breaking behavior emer......

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