Heterotypic cell-cell communication regulates glandular stem cell multipotency

Centonze, A; Lin, SH; Tika, E; Sifrim, A; Fioramonti, M; Malfait, M; Song, YR; Wuidart, A; Van Herck, J; Dannau, A; Bouvencourt, G; Dubois, C; Dedoncker, N; Sahay, A; de Maertelaer, V; Siebel, CW; Van Keymeulen, A; Voet, T; Blanpain, C

Blanpain, C (corresponding author), Univ Libre Bruxelles ULB, Lab Stem Cells & Canc, Brussels, Belgium.; Blanpain, C (corresponding author), Univ Libre Bruxelles ULB, WELBIO, Brussels, Belgium.

NATURE, 2020; 584 (7822): 608


Glandular epithelia, including the mammary and prostate glands, are composed of basal cells (BCs) and luminal cells (LCs)(1,2). Many glandular epithel......

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