Imaging techniques for the assessment of adverse cardiac remodeling in metabolic syndrome

Preda, A; Liberale, L; Montecucco, F

Montecucco, F (通讯作者),Univ Genoa, Dept Internal Med, Clin Internal Med 1, 6 Viale Benedetto XV, I-16132 Genoa, Italy.;Montecucco, F (通讯作者),IRCCS Osped Policlin San Martino Genoa, Italian Cardiovasc Network, Genoa, Italy.

HEART FAILURE REVIEWS, 2022; 27 (5): 1883


Metabolic syndrome (MetS) includes different metabolic conditions (i.e. abdominal obesity, impaired glucose tolerance, hypertriglyceridemia, decreased......

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