Household and schooling rather than diet offset the adverse associations of height with school competence and emotional disturbance among Taiwanese girls

Huang, LY; Lee, MS; Chiang, PH; Huang, YC; Wahlqvist, ML

Chiang, PH; Wahlqvist, ML (corresponding author), Natl Hlth Res Inst, Inst Populat Hlth Sci, 35 Keyan Rd, Zhunan Town 35053, Miaoli County, Taiwan.; Wahlqvist, ML (corresponding author), Natl Def Med Ctr, Sch Publ Hlth, Taipei, Taiwan.; Wahlqvist, ML (corresponding author), China Med Univ, Dept Nutr, Taichung, Taiwan.; Wahlqvist, ML (corresponding author), Monash Univ, Monash Asia Inst, Clayton, Vic, Australia.

PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION, 2021; 24 (8): 2238


Objective: Short stature may reflect health in early life and be an enduring disability. How birth weight, gender, household, elementary schooling and......

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