Organ-specific COP1 control of BES1 stability adjusts plant growth patterns under shade or warmth

Rojas, CC; Bianchimano, L; Oh, J; Montepaone, SR; Tarkowska, D; Minguet, EG; Schon, J; Hourquet, MG; Flugel, T; Blazquez, MA; Choi, G; Strnad, M; Mora-Garcia, S; Alabadi, D; Zurbriggen, MD; Casal, JJ

Casal, JJ (通讯作者),Fdn Inst Leloir, Inst Invest Bioquim Buenos Aires, Consejo Nacl Invest Cient & Tecn, RA-1405 Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina.;Casal, JJ (通讯作者),Univ Buenos Aires, Fac Agron, Inst Invest Fisiol & Ecol Vinculadas Agr, Consejo Nacl Invest Cient & Tecn, RA-1417 Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina.

DEVELOPMENTAL CELL, 2022; 57 (16): 2009


Under adverse conditions such as shade or elevated temperatures, cotyledon expansion is reduced and hy-pocotyl growth is promoted to optimize plant ar......

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