Impact of Cushing's syndrome on the gonadotrope axis and testicular functions in men

Papadakis, GE; de Kalbermatten, B; Dormoy, A; Salenave, S; Trabado, S; Vieira-Pinto, O; Richa, C; Kamenicky, P; Chanson, P; Maione, L; Pitteloud, N; Young, J

Young, J (通讯作者),Hop Bicetre, Serv Endocrinol Adultes, Batiment Barre Sinoussi,78 Rue Gen Leclerc, F-94275 Le Kremlin Bicetre, France.

HUMAN REPRODUCTION, 2023; 38 (12): 2350


STUDY QUESTION Does Cushing's syndrome (CS) differently affect the gonadotrope axis and testicular functions (GA/TF) according to the hypercortisolism......

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