Haplotypes distribution and virulence of Gnomoniopsis castaneae in Italy

Seddaiu, S; Mello, A; Sarais, L; Mulas, A; Sechi, C; Ruiu, PA; Vettraino, AM; Petruccioli, M; Gonthier, P; Sillo, F; Bregant, C; Montecchio, L; Linaldeddu, BT

Vettraino, AM (通讯作者),Univ Tuscia, Dept Innovat Biol, Agrofood & Forest Syst DIBAF, I-01100 Viterbo, Italy.

JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, 2023; 105 (3): 1135


In the last decades, productivity of Italian chestnut groves has been seriously impacted by the infection of the emerging fungal pathogen Gnomoniopsis......

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