Condensation of the Drosophila nerve cord is oscillatory and depends on coordinated mechanical interactions

Karkali, K; Tiwari, P; Singh, A; Tlili, S; Jorba, I; Navajas, D; Munoz, JJ; Saunders, TE; Martin-Blanco, E

Martin-Blanco, E (通讯作者),CSIC, Inst Biol Mol Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.;Saunders, TE (通讯作者),Natl Univ Singapore, Mechanobiol Inst, Singapore, Singapore.;Munoz, JJ (通讯作者),Univ Politecn Cataluna, Lab Calcul Numer LaCaN, Barcelona, Spain.;Munoz, JJ (通讯作者),Ctr Int Metodes Numer Engn CIMNE, Barcelona 08034, Spain.;Munoz, JJ (通讯作者),Univ Politecn Catalunya BarcelonaTech IMTech, Inst Matemat, Barcelona, Spain.;Saunders, TE (通讯作者),ASTAR, Inst Mol & Cell Biol, Singapore, Singapore.;Saunders, TE (通讯作者),Un

DEVELOPMENTAL CELL, 2022; 57 (7): 867


During development, organs reach precise shapes and sizes. Organ morphology is not always obtained through growth; a classic counterexample is the con......

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