Recurrent gastric amphicrine tumor with neuroendocrine and pancreatic acinar cell differentiation and somatic MEN1 inactivation arisen during immunotherapy

Mastrosimini, MG; Mafficini, A; Tondulli, L; Milella, M; Piccoli, P; Mattiolo, P; Fassan, M; Hong, SM; Scarpa, A; Luchini, C

Luchini, C (通讯作者),Univ & Hosp Trust Verona, Dept Diagnost & Publ Hlth, Sect Pathol, Piazzale Scuro,10, I-37134 Verona, Italy.;Luchini, C (通讯作者),Univ Verona, ARC Net Res Ctr, Verona, Italy.

VIRCHOWS ARCHIV, 2023; 483 (3): 415


Amphicrine neoplasms (ANs) are poorly understood epithelial malignancies composed of cells with co-existing exocrine-neuroendocrine features. Here, we......

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