Connecting the dots: harnessing dual-site transcranial magnetic stimulation to quantify the causal influence of medial frontal areas on the motor cortex

Neige, C; Vassiliadis, P; Zazou, AA; Dricot, L; Lebon, F; Brees, T; Derosiere, G

Neige, C (通讯作者),Univ Lyon 1, Ctr Hosp Vinatier, Team PsyR2, CNRS,INSERM,CRNLU1028 UMR5292, F-69500 Bron, France.

CEREBRAL CORTEX, 2023; 33 (23): 11339


Dual-site transcranial magnetic stimulation has been widely employed to investigate the influence of cortical structures on the primary motor cortex. ......

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