Fused CT - Improved image quality of coronary arteries on postmortem CT by summation of repeated scans

Kobayashi, T; Fukuoka, H; Suzuki, S; Shiotani, S; Saitou, H; Tashiro, K; Someya, S; Yoshida, M; Kaga, K; Yamamori, M; Miyamoto, K; Hayakawa, H

Kobayashi, T (corresponding author), Tsukuba Med Ctr Hosp, Dept Radiol Technol, 1-3-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 3058558, Japan.

FORENSIC IMAGING, 2020; 22 ():


We report the use of unenhanced postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) to visualize the coronary artery in a 45-year-old man who died suddenly. Cardiac......

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