Clostridium culturomicium sp. nov. and Clostridium jeddahitimonense sp. nov., novel members of the Clostridium genus isolated from the stool of an obese Saudi Arabian

Kieu, HT; Garrigou, N; Fadlane, A; Brechard, L; Armstrong, N; Decloquement, P; Yasir, M; Azhar, EI; Al-Masaudi, SB; Lagier, JC; Alou, MT; Raoult, D

Raoult, D (corresponding author), Aix Marseille Univ, RD, MEPHI, AP HM, Marseille, France.; Raoult, D (corresponding author), IHU Mediterranee Infect, Marseille, France.

CURRENT MICROBIOLOGY, 2021; 78 (9): 3586