Genetically Encoded, pH-Sensitive mTFP1 Biosensor for Probing Lysosomal pH

Chin, MY; Patwardhan, AR; Ang, KH; Wang, AL; Alquezar, C; Welch, M; Nguyen, PT; Grabe, M; Molofsky, AV; Arkin, MR; Kao, AW

Kao, AW (corresponding author), Univ Calif San Francisco, Memory & Aging Ctr, Dept Neurol, San Francisco, CA 94158 USA.; Arkin, MR (corresponding author), Univ Calif San Francisco, Small Mol Discovery Ctr, Dept Pharmaceut Chem, San Francisco, CA 94143 USA.

ACS SENSORS, 2021; 6 (6): 2168


Lysosomes are important sites for macromolecular degradation, defined by an acidic lumenal pH of similar to 4.5. To better understand lysosomal pH, we......

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