Alzheimer-Related Cerebrovascular Disease in Down Syndrome

Lao, PJ; Gutierrez, J; Keator, D; Rizvi, B; Banerjee, A; Igwe, KC; Laing, KK; Sathishkumar, M; Moni, F; Andrews, H; Krinsky-McHale, S; Head, E; Lee, JH; Lai, F; Yassa, MA; Rosas, HD; Silverman, W; Lott, IT; Schupf, N; Brickman, AM

Brickman, AM (corresponding author), Columbia Univ, Coll Phys & Surg, Taub Inst Res Alzheimers Dis & Aging Brain, PS Box 16,630 West 168th St, New York, NY 10032 USA.

ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY, 2020; 88 (6): 1165


Objective Adults with Down syndrome (DS) develop Alzheimer disease (AD) pathology by their 5th decade. Compared with the general population, tradition......

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