Colorectal adenosquamous carcinoma: genomic profiling of a rare histotype of colorectal cancer

Angerilli, V; Parente, P; Businello, G; Vanoli, A; Paudice, M; Perrone, G; Munari, G; Govoni, I; Neri, G; Rebellato, E; Parrella, P; Grillo, F; Mastracci, L; Fassan, M

Fassan, M (通讯作者),Univ Hosp Padua, Dept Med DIMED, Surg Pathol Unit, Padua, PD, Italy.;Vanoli, A (通讯作者),Univ Pavia, Dept Mol Med, Anat Pathol Unit, Viale Camillo Golgi 19, I-27100 Pavia, PV, Italy.;Vanoli, A (通讯作者),Fdn IRCCS San Matteo Hosp, Pavia, PV, Italy.;Fassan, M (通讯作者),IRCCS, Veneto Inst Oncol IOV, Padua, PD, Italy.

VIRCHOWS ARCHIV, 2023; 482 (5): 879