Intrahepatic bacterial metataxonomic signature in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Sookoian, S; Salatino, A; Castano, GO; Landa, MS; Fijalkowky, C; Garaycoechea, M; Pirola, CJ

Sookoian, S; Pirola, CJ (corresponding author), Univ Buenos Aires, Fac Med, Inst Med Res A Lanari, RA-10109 Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina.; Pirola, CJ (corresponding author), Natl Sci & Tech Res Council, Dept Mol Genet & Biol Complex Dis, Inst Med Res IDIM, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina.

GUT, 2020; 69 (8): 1483


Objective We aimed to characterise the liver tissue bacterial metataxonomic signature in two independent cohorts of patients with biopsy-proven non-al......

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