GALAD outperforms aMAP and ALBI for predicting HCC in patients with compensated advanced chronic liver disease: A 12-year prospective study

Villa, E; Donghia, R; Baldaccini, V; Tedesco, CC; Shahini, E; Cozzolongo, R; Ascari, S; Pesole, PL; Coletta, S; Critelli, RM; Lasagni, S; Schepis, F; Semellini, F; Giannelli, G

Villa, E (通讯作者),Univ Modena & Reggio Emilia, CHIMOMO Dept, Gastroenterol Unit, Via Pozzo 71, I-41121 Modena, Italy.;Giannelli, G (通讯作者),IRCCS Res Hosp Saverio de Bellis, Natl Inst Gastroenterol, Castellana Grotte, BA, Italy.