出版年份:1991 年文章数:5436 投稿命中率: 开通期刊会员,数据随心看

出版周期:Monthly 自引率:14.3% 审稿周期: 开通期刊会员,数据随心看



  1. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094414, encodeId=aad7109441498, content=每个期刊的格式要求一样么?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=42, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://img.medsci.cn/20210511/ddebdec707734c8390a07bd0c1048717/cc11caf5d607430e9f4ca556fed68ab1.jpg, createdBy=2c4d5497888, createdName=msSSSSSD, createdTime=Wed Dec 29 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-29, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094413, encodeId=55f7109441309, content=为什么我认为我的文章只有3-4分,但导师要从7分以上开始投?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=48, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=/v1.0.0/img/user_icon.png, createdBy=bb142989248, createdName=MS68862005, createdTime=Tue Dec 28 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562451, encodeId=527456245161, content=审稿速度:2.0 | 投稿命中率:50.0<br>经验分享:今年8月13投递9月15日收到大修意见926修回10月15小修当日修回1023表示接受还是蛮快的对创新型要求不高可以作为第一篇sci尝试发表, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=175, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/02/03/9dc65007ad5539377d5289aa52504b80.jpg, createdBy=c6572360241, createdName=122cd2ffm95暂无昵称, createdTime=Sun Oct 28 08:24:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562100, encodeId=b1e35621006e, content=麻烦问下版面费要多少,谢谢。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=306, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=cc831937908, createdName=zzzzfffvvv, createdTime=Wed Oct 17 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-17, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=557430, encodeId=4ed055e43064, content=请问.最后是需要缴上万元的人民币吗?有问题吧 <span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表::<br>研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints.</span><span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 23:38:00 发表:<br>在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? <br> If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each <br> manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. <br> . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. <br> (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. <br> (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) <br> (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). <br> (4) Charges for reprints.</span>, beContent=yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表:: 研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints., objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=344, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2018/05/31/8022ea8b06407fee20818e58e050465d.jpg, createdBy=86802213223, createdName=邻家小丫头, createdTime=Thu May 31 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-05-31, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=555526, encodeId=14bf555526ca, content=2017.12.15投稿后.状态为Review in Progress.现在已经4个多月了.通过投稿系统发邮件.不回复., beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=277, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=a73730185, createdName=yanglcau, createdTime=Sat Apr 28 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-04-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=549431, encodeId=2679549431bd, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0<br>经验分享:一审三周,大修;二审两周,小修;终审加工一周。总共五周就接收了 <br> 不需大量数据,有创新点,文章立意鲜明即可 <br> 对写作和格式要求较高,审稿极其细致,但拒稿率不高, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=285, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=efc12048063, createdName=阳爷, createdTime=Thu Nov 23 15:50:00 CST 2017, time=2017-11-23, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=544836, encodeId=437e5448368f, content=审稿速度:12.0<br>经验分享: <br> 神期刊,16年10月份投了一篇简报,文章质量一般被拒了很多次,就随意投过了,也没管。 <br> 时隔快一年,17年7月,突然收到邮件,接收了。整个人都懵了,修改都没有。好吧。。意外的收获。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=374, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=8c461721969, createdName=鱼儿吃虾米, createdTime=Thu Jul 27 14:23:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=542914, encodeId=6099542914b7, content=反正就这个熊样,也不会有所变化,只要不跌,也就万幸了, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=304, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=weiwei_zhu, createdTime=Fri Jul 14 18:51:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-14, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=538148, encodeId=6bcd538148d4, content=是的<span class="quote">jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表:<br>版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗</span>, beContent=jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表: 版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=368, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/10/09/9fadfd8468714c1f1620b8ddc5d4d717.jpg, createdBy=2b881962949, createdName=东东郭, createdTime=Sat Jun 17 00:00:00 CST 2017, time=2017-06-17, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2021-12-29 msSSSSSD



  2. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094414, encodeId=aad7109441498, content=每个期刊的格式要求一样么?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=42, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://img.medsci.cn/20210511/ddebdec707734c8390a07bd0c1048717/cc11caf5d607430e9f4ca556fed68ab1.jpg, createdBy=2c4d5497888, createdName=msSSSSSD, createdTime=Wed Dec 29 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-29, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094413, encodeId=55f7109441309, content=为什么我认为我的文章只有3-4分,但导师要从7分以上开始投?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=48, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=/v1.0.0/img/user_icon.png, createdBy=bb142989248, createdName=MS68862005, createdTime=Tue Dec 28 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562451, encodeId=527456245161, content=审稿速度:2.0 | 投稿命中率:50.0<br>经验分享:今年8月13投递9月15日收到大修意见926修回10月15小修当日修回1023表示接受还是蛮快的对创新型要求不高可以作为第一篇sci尝试发表, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=175, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/02/03/9dc65007ad5539377d5289aa52504b80.jpg, createdBy=c6572360241, createdName=122cd2ffm95暂无昵称, createdTime=Sun Oct 28 08:24:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562100, encodeId=b1e35621006e, content=麻烦问下版面费要多少,谢谢。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=306, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=cc831937908, createdName=zzzzfffvvv, createdTime=Wed Oct 17 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-17, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=557430, encodeId=4ed055e43064, content=请问.最后是需要缴上万元的人民币吗?有问题吧 <span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表::<br>研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints.</span><span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 23:38:00 发表:<br>在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? <br> If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each <br> manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. <br> . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. <br> (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. <br> (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) <br> (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). <br> (4) Charges for reprints.</span>, beContent=yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表:: 研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints., objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=344, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2018/05/31/8022ea8b06407fee20818e58e050465d.jpg, createdBy=86802213223, createdName=邻家小丫头, createdTime=Thu May 31 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-05-31, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=555526, encodeId=14bf555526ca, content=2017.12.15投稿后.状态为Review in Progress.现在已经4个多月了.通过投稿系统发邮件.不回复., beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=277, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=a73730185, createdName=yanglcau, createdTime=Sat Apr 28 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-04-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=549431, encodeId=2679549431bd, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0<br>经验分享:一审三周,大修;二审两周,小修;终审加工一周。总共五周就接收了 <br> 不需大量数据,有创新点,文章立意鲜明即可 <br> 对写作和格式要求较高,审稿极其细致,但拒稿率不高, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=285, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=efc12048063, createdName=阳爷, createdTime=Thu Nov 23 15:50:00 CST 2017, time=2017-11-23, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=544836, encodeId=437e5448368f, content=审稿速度:12.0<br>经验分享: <br> 神期刊,16年10月份投了一篇简报,文章质量一般被拒了很多次,就随意投过了,也没管。 <br> 时隔快一年,17年7月,突然收到邮件,接收了。整个人都懵了,修改都没有。好吧。。意外的收获。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=374, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=8c461721969, createdName=鱼儿吃虾米, createdTime=Thu Jul 27 14:23:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=542914, encodeId=6099542914b7, content=反正就这个熊样,也不会有所变化,只要不跌,也就万幸了, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=304, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=weiwei_zhu, createdTime=Fri Jul 14 18:51:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-14, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=538148, encodeId=6bcd538148d4, content=是的<span class="quote">jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表:<br>版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗</span>, beContent=jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表: 版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=368, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/10/09/9fadfd8468714c1f1620b8ddc5d4d717.jpg, createdBy=2b881962949, createdName=东东郭, createdTime=Sat Jun 17 00:00:00 CST 2017, time=2017-06-17, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2021-12-28 MS68862005



  3. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094414, encodeId=aad7109441498, content=每个期刊的格式要求一样么?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=42, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://img.medsci.cn/20210511/ddebdec707734c8390a07bd0c1048717/cc11caf5d607430e9f4ca556fed68ab1.jpg, createdBy=2c4d5497888, createdName=msSSSSSD, createdTime=Wed Dec 29 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-29, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094413, encodeId=55f7109441309, content=为什么我认为我的文章只有3-4分,但导师要从7分以上开始投?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=48, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=/v1.0.0/img/user_icon.png, createdBy=bb142989248, createdName=MS68862005, createdTime=Tue Dec 28 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562451, encodeId=527456245161, content=审稿速度:2.0 | 投稿命中率:50.0<br>经验分享:今年8月13投递9月15日收到大修意见926修回10月15小修当日修回1023表示接受还是蛮快的对创新型要求不高可以作为第一篇sci尝试发表, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=175, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/02/03/9dc65007ad5539377d5289aa52504b80.jpg, createdBy=c6572360241, createdName=122cd2ffm95暂无昵称, createdTime=Sun Oct 28 08:24:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562100, encodeId=b1e35621006e, content=麻烦问下版面费要多少,谢谢。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=306, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=cc831937908, createdName=zzzzfffvvv, createdTime=Wed Oct 17 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-17, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=557430, encodeId=4ed055e43064, content=请问.最后是需要缴上万元的人民币吗?有问题吧 <span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表::<br>研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints.</span><span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 23:38:00 发表:<br>在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? <br> If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each <br> manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. <br> . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. <br> (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. <br> (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) <br> (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). <br> (4) Charges for reprints.</span>, beContent=yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表:: 研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints., objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=344, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2018/05/31/8022ea8b06407fee20818e58e050465d.jpg, createdBy=86802213223, createdName=邻家小丫头, createdTime=Thu May 31 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-05-31, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=555526, encodeId=14bf555526ca, content=2017.12.15投稿后.状态为Review in Progress.现在已经4个多月了.通过投稿系统发邮件.不回复., beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=277, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=a73730185, createdName=yanglcau, createdTime=Sat Apr 28 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-04-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=549431, encodeId=2679549431bd, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0<br>经验分享:一审三周,大修;二审两周,小修;终审加工一周。总共五周就接收了 <br> 不需大量数据,有创新点,文章立意鲜明即可 <br> 对写作和格式要求较高,审稿极其细致,但拒稿率不高, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=285, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=efc12048063, createdName=阳爷, createdTime=Thu Nov 23 15:50:00 CST 2017, time=2017-11-23, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=544836, encodeId=437e5448368f, content=审稿速度:12.0<br>经验分享: <br> 神期刊,16年10月份投了一篇简报,文章质量一般被拒了很多次,就随意投过了,也没管。 <br> 时隔快一年,17年7月,突然收到邮件,接收了。整个人都懵了,修改都没有。好吧。。意外的收获。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=374, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=8c461721969, createdName=鱼儿吃虾米, createdTime=Thu Jul 27 14:23:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=542914, encodeId=6099542914b7, content=反正就这个熊样,也不会有所变化,只要不跌,也就万幸了, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=304, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=weiwei_zhu, createdTime=Fri Jul 14 18:51:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-14, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=538148, encodeId=6bcd538148d4, content=是的<span class="quote">jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表:<br>版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗</span>, beContent=jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表: 版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=368, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/10/09/9fadfd8468714c1f1620b8ddc5d4d717.jpg, createdBy=2b881962949, createdName=东东郭, createdTime=Sat Jun 17 00:00:00 CST 2017, time=2017-06-17, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2018-10-28 122cd2ffm95暂无昵称

    审稿速度:2.0 | 投稿命中率:50.0


  4. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094414, encodeId=aad7109441498, content=每个期刊的格式要求一样么?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=42, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://img.medsci.cn/20210511/ddebdec707734c8390a07bd0c1048717/cc11caf5d607430e9f4ca556fed68ab1.jpg, createdBy=2c4d5497888, createdName=msSSSSSD, createdTime=Wed Dec 29 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-29, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094413, encodeId=55f7109441309, content=为什么我认为我的文章只有3-4分,但导师要从7分以上开始投?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=48, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=/v1.0.0/img/user_icon.png, createdBy=bb142989248, createdName=MS68862005, createdTime=Tue Dec 28 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562451, encodeId=527456245161, content=审稿速度:2.0 | 投稿命中率:50.0<br>经验分享:今年8月13投递9月15日收到大修意见926修回10月15小修当日修回1023表示接受还是蛮快的对创新型要求不高可以作为第一篇sci尝试发表, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=175, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/02/03/9dc65007ad5539377d5289aa52504b80.jpg, createdBy=c6572360241, createdName=122cd2ffm95暂无昵称, createdTime=Sun Oct 28 08:24:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562100, encodeId=b1e35621006e, content=麻烦问下版面费要多少,谢谢。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=306, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=cc831937908, createdName=zzzzfffvvv, createdTime=Wed Oct 17 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-17, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=557430, encodeId=4ed055e43064, content=请问.最后是需要缴上万元的人民币吗?有问题吧 <span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表::<br>研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints.</span><span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 23:38:00 发表:<br>在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? <br> If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each <br> manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. <br> . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. <br> (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. <br> (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) <br> (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). <br> (4) Charges for reprints.</span>, beContent=yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表:: 研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints., objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=344, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2018/05/31/8022ea8b06407fee20818e58e050465d.jpg, createdBy=86802213223, createdName=邻家小丫头, createdTime=Thu May 31 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-05-31, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=555526, encodeId=14bf555526ca, content=2017.12.15投稿后.状态为Review in Progress.现在已经4个多月了.通过投稿系统发邮件.不回复., beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=277, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=a73730185, createdName=yanglcau, createdTime=Sat Apr 28 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-04-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=549431, encodeId=2679549431bd, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0<br>经验分享:一审三周,大修;二审两周,小修;终审加工一周。总共五周就接收了 <br> 不需大量数据,有创新点,文章立意鲜明即可 <br> 对写作和格式要求较高,审稿极其细致,但拒稿率不高, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=285, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=efc12048063, createdName=阳爷, createdTime=Thu Nov 23 15:50:00 CST 2017, time=2017-11-23, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=544836, encodeId=437e5448368f, content=审稿速度:12.0<br>经验分享: <br> 神期刊,16年10月份投了一篇简报,文章质量一般被拒了很多次,就随意投过了,也没管。 <br> 时隔快一年,17年7月,突然收到邮件,接收了。整个人都懵了,修改都没有。好吧。。意外的收获。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=374, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=8c461721969, createdName=鱼儿吃虾米, createdTime=Thu Jul 27 14:23:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=542914, encodeId=6099542914b7, content=反正就这个熊样,也不会有所变化,只要不跌,也就万幸了, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=304, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=weiwei_zhu, createdTime=Fri Jul 14 18:51:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-14, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=538148, encodeId=6bcd538148d4, content=是的<span class="quote">jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表:<br>版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗</span>, beContent=jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表: 版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=368, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/10/09/9fadfd8468714c1f1620b8ddc5d4d717.jpg, createdBy=2b881962949, createdName=东东郭, createdTime=Sat Jun 17 00:00:00 CST 2017, time=2017-06-17, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2018-10-17 zzzzfffvvv



  5. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094414, encodeId=aad7109441498, content=每个期刊的格式要求一样么?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=42, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://img.medsci.cn/20210511/ddebdec707734c8390a07bd0c1048717/cc11caf5d607430e9f4ca556fed68ab1.jpg, createdBy=2c4d5497888, createdName=msSSSSSD, createdTime=Wed Dec 29 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-29, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094413, encodeId=55f7109441309, content=为什么我认为我的文章只有3-4分,但导师要从7分以上开始投?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=48, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=/v1.0.0/img/user_icon.png, createdBy=bb142989248, createdName=MS68862005, createdTime=Tue Dec 28 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562451, encodeId=527456245161, content=审稿速度:2.0 | 投稿命中率:50.0<br>经验分享:今年8月13投递9月15日收到大修意见926修回10月15小修当日修回1023表示接受还是蛮快的对创新型要求不高可以作为第一篇sci尝试发表, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=175, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/02/03/9dc65007ad5539377d5289aa52504b80.jpg, createdBy=c6572360241, createdName=122cd2ffm95暂无昵称, createdTime=Sun Oct 28 08:24:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562100, encodeId=b1e35621006e, content=麻烦问下版面费要多少,谢谢。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=306, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=cc831937908, createdName=zzzzfffvvv, createdTime=Wed Oct 17 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-17, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=557430, encodeId=4ed055e43064, content=请问.最后是需要缴上万元的人民币吗?有问题吧 <span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表::<br>研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints.</span><span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 23:38:00 发表:<br>在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? <br> If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each <br> manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. <br> . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. <br> (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. <br> (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) <br> (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). <br> (4) Charges for reprints.</span>, beContent=yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表:: 研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints., objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=344, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2018/05/31/8022ea8b06407fee20818e58e050465d.jpg, createdBy=86802213223, createdName=邻家小丫头, createdTime=Thu May 31 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-05-31, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=555526, encodeId=14bf555526ca, content=2017.12.15投稿后.状态为Review in Progress.现在已经4个多月了.通过投稿系统发邮件.不回复., beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=277, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=a73730185, createdName=yanglcau, createdTime=Sat Apr 28 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-04-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=549431, encodeId=2679549431bd, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0<br>经验分享:一审三周,大修;二审两周,小修;终审加工一周。总共五周就接收了 <br> 不需大量数据,有创新点,文章立意鲜明即可 <br> 对写作和格式要求较高,审稿极其细致,但拒稿率不高, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=285, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=efc12048063, createdName=阳爷, createdTime=Thu Nov 23 15:50:00 CST 2017, time=2017-11-23, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=544836, encodeId=437e5448368f, content=审稿速度:12.0<br>经验分享: <br> 神期刊,16年10月份投了一篇简报,文章质量一般被拒了很多次,就随意投过了,也没管。 <br> 时隔快一年,17年7月,突然收到邮件,接收了。整个人都懵了,修改都没有。好吧。。意外的收获。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=374, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=8c461721969, createdName=鱼儿吃虾米, createdTime=Thu Jul 27 14:23:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=542914, encodeId=6099542914b7, content=反正就这个熊样,也不会有所变化,只要不跌,也就万幸了, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=304, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=weiwei_zhu, createdTime=Fri Jul 14 18:51:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-14, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=538148, encodeId=6bcd538148d4, content=是的<span class="quote">jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表:<br>版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗</span>, beContent=jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表: 版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=368, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/10/09/9fadfd8468714c1f1620b8ddc5d4d717.jpg, createdBy=2b881962949, createdName=东东郭, createdTime=Sat Jun 17 00:00:00 CST 2017, time=2017-06-17, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2018-05-31 邻家小丫头

    请问.最后是需要缴上万元的人民币吗?有问题吧 yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表::
    研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints.
    yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 23:38:00 发表:
    If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each
    manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board.
    . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees.
    (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board.
    (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.)
    (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page).
    (4) Charges for reprints.

    yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表:: 研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints.


  6. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094414, encodeId=aad7109441498, content=每个期刊的格式要求一样么?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=42, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://img.medsci.cn/20210511/ddebdec707734c8390a07bd0c1048717/cc11caf5d607430e9f4ca556fed68ab1.jpg, createdBy=2c4d5497888, createdName=msSSSSSD, createdTime=Wed Dec 29 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-29, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094413, encodeId=55f7109441309, content=为什么我认为我的文章只有3-4分,但导师要从7分以上开始投?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=48, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=/v1.0.0/img/user_icon.png, createdBy=bb142989248, createdName=MS68862005, createdTime=Tue Dec 28 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562451, encodeId=527456245161, content=审稿速度:2.0 | 投稿命中率:50.0<br>经验分享:今年8月13投递9月15日收到大修意见926修回10月15小修当日修回1023表示接受还是蛮快的对创新型要求不高可以作为第一篇sci尝试发表, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=175, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/02/03/9dc65007ad5539377d5289aa52504b80.jpg, createdBy=c6572360241, createdName=122cd2ffm95暂无昵称, createdTime=Sun Oct 28 08:24:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562100, encodeId=b1e35621006e, content=麻烦问下版面费要多少,谢谢。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=306, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=cc831937908, createdName=zzzzfffvvv, createdTime=Wed Oct 17 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-17, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=557430, encodeId=4ed055e43064, content=请问.最后是需要缴上万元的人民币吗?有问题吧 <span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表::<br>研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints.</span><span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 23:38:00 发表:<br>在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? <br> If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each <br> manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. <br> . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. <br> (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. <br> (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) <br> (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). <br> (4) Charges for reprints.</span>, beContent=yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表:: 研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints., objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=344, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2018/05/31/8022ea8b06407fee20818e58e050465d.jpg, createdBy=86802213223, createdName=邻家小丫头, createdTime=Thu May 31 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-05-31, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=555526, encodeId=14bf555526ca, content=2017.12.15投稿后.状态为Review in Progress.现在已经4个多月了.通过投稿系统发邮件.不回复., beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=277, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=a73730185, createdName=yanglcau, createdTime=Sat Apr 28 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-04-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=549431, encodeId=2679549431bd, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0<br>经验分享:一审三周,大修;二审两周,小修;终审加工一周。总共五周就接收了 <br> 不需大量数据,有创新点,文章立意鲜明即可 <br> 对写作和格式要求较高,审稿极其细致,但拒稿率不高, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=285, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=efc12048063, createdName=阳爷, createdTime=Thu Nov 23 15:50:00 CST 2017, time=2017-11-23, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=544836, encodeId=437e5448368f, content=审稿速度:12.0<br>经验分享: <br> 神期刊,16年10月份投了一篇简报,文章质量一般被拒了很多次,就随意投过了,也没管。 <br> 时隔快一年,17年7月,突然收到邮件,接收了。整个人都懵了,修改都没有。好吧。。意外的收获。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=374, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=8c461721969, createdName=鱼儿吃虾米, createdTime=Thu Jul 27 14:23:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=542914, encodeId=6099542914b7, content=反正就这个熊样,也不会有所变化,只要不跌,也就万幸了, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=304, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=weiwei_zhu, createdTime=Fri Jul 14 18:51:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-14, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=538148, encodeId=6bcd538148d4, content=是的<span class="quote">jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表:<br>版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗</span>, beContent=jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表: 版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=368, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/10/09/9fadfd8468714c1f1620b8ddc5d4d717.jpg, createdBy=2b881962949, createdName=东东郭, createdTime=Sat Jun 17 00:00:00 CST 2017, time=2017-06-17, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2018-04-28 yanglcau

    2017.12.15投稿后.状态为Review in Progress.现在已经4个多月了.通过投稿系统发邮件.不回复.


  7. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094414, encodeId=aad7109441498, content=每个期刊的格式要求一样么?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=42, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://img.medsci.cn/20210511/ddebdec707734c8390a07bd0c1048717/cc11caf5d607430e9f4ca556fed68ab1.jpg, createdBy=2c4d5497888, createdName=msSSSSSD, createdTime=Wed Dec 29 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-29, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094413, encodeId=55f7109441309, content=为什么我认为我的文章只有3-4分,但导师要从7分以上开始投?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=48, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=/v1.0.0/img/user_icon.png, createdBy=bb142989248, createdName=MS68862005, createdTime=Tue Dec 28 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562451, encodeId=527456245161, content=审稿速度:2.0 | 投稿命中率:50.0<br>经验分享:今年8月13投递9月15日收到大修意见926修回10月15小修当日修回1023表示接受还是蛮快的对创新型要求不高可以作为第一篇sci尝试发表, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=175, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/02/03/9dc65007ad5539377d5289aa52504b80.jpg, createdBy=c6572360241, createdName=122cd2ffm95暂无昵称, createdTime=Sun Oct 28 08:24:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562100, encodeId=b1e35621006e, content=麻烦问下版面费要多少,谢谢。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=306, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=cc831937908, createdName=zzzzfffvvv, createdTime=Wed Oct 17 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-17, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=557430, encodeId=4ed055e43064, content=请问.最后是需要缴上万元的人民币吗?有问题吧 <span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表::<br>研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints.</span><span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 23:38:00 发表:<br>在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? <br> If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each <br> manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. <br> . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. <br> (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. <br> (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) <br> (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). <br> (4) Charges for reprints.</span>, beContent=yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表:: 研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints., objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=344, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2018/05/31/8022ea8b06407fee20818e58e050465d.jpg, createdBy=86802213223, createdName=邻家小丫头, createdTime=Thu May 31 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-05-31, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=555526, encodeId=14bf555526ca, content=2017.12.15投稿后.状态为Review in Progress.现在已经4个多月了.通过投稿系统发邮件.不回复., beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=277, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=a73730185, createdName=yanglcau, createdTime=Sat Apr 28 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-04-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=549431, encodeId=2679549431bd, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0<br>经验分享:一审三周,大修;二审两周,小修;终审加工一周。总共五周就接收了 <br> 不需大量数据,有创新点,文章立意鲜明即可 <br> 对写作和格式要求较高,审稿极其细致,但拒稿率不高, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=285, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=efc12048063, createdName=阳爷, createdTime=Thu Nov 23 15:50:00 CST 2017, time=2017-11-23, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=544836, encodeId=437e5448368f, content=审稿速度:12.0<br>经验分享: <br> 神期刊,16年10月份投了一篇简报,文章质量一般被拒了很多次,就随意投过了,也没管。 <br> 时隔快一年,17年7月,突然收到邮件,接收了。整个人都懵了,修改都没有。好吧。。意外的收获。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=374, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=8c461721969, createdName=鱼儿吃虾米, createdTime=Thu Jul 27 14:23:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=542914, encodeId=6099542914b7, content=反正就这个熊样,也不会有所变化,只要不跌,也就万幸了, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=304, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=weiwei_zhu, createdTime=Fri Jul 14 18:51:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-14, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=538148, encodeId=6bcd538148d4, content=是的<span class="quote">jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表:<br>版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗</span>, beContent=jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表: 版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=368, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/10/09/9fadfd8468714c1f1620b8ddc5d4d717.jpg, createdBy=2b881962949, createdName=东东郭, createdTime=Sat Jun 17 00:00:00 CST 2017, time=2017-06-17, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2017-11-23 阳爷

    审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0


  8. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094414, encodeId=aad7109441498, content=每个期刊的格式要求一样么?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=42, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://img.medsci.cn/20210511/ddebdec707734c8390a07bd0c1048717/cc11caf5d607430e9f4ca556fed68ab1.jpg, createdBy=2c4d5497888, createdName=msSSSSSD, createdTime=Wed Dec 29 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-29, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094413, encodeId=55f7109441309, content=为什么我认为我的文章只有3-4分,但导师要从7分以上开始投?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=48, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=/v1.0.0/img/user_icon.png, createdBy=bb142989248, createdName=MS68862005, createdTime=Tue Dec 28 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562451, encodeId=527456245161, content=审稿速度:2.0 | 投稿命中率:50.0<br>经验分享:今年8月13投递9月15日收到大修意见926修回10月15小修当日修回1023表示接受还是蛮快的对创新型要求不高可以作为第一篇sci尝试发表, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=175, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/02/03/9dc65007ad5539377d5289aa52504b80.jpg, createdBy=c6572360241, createdName=122cd2ffm95暂无昵称, createdTime=Sun Oct 28 08:24:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562100, encodeId=b1e35621006e, content=麻烦问下版面费要多少,谢谢。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=306, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=cc831937908, createdName=zzzzfffvvv, createdTime=Wed Oct 17 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-17, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=557430, encodeId=4ed055e43064, content=请问.最后是需要缴上万元的人民币吗?有问题吧 <span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表::<br>研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints.</span><span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 23:38:00 发表:<br>在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? <br> If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each <br> manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. <br> . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. <br> (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. <br> (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) <br> (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). <br> (4) Charges for reprints.</span>, beContent=yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表:: 研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints., objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=344, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2018/05/31/8022ea8b06407fee20818e58e050465d.jpg, createdBy=86802213223, createdName=邻家小丫头, createdTime=Thu May 31 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-05-31, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=555526, encodeId=14bf555526ca, content=2017.12.15投稿后.状态为Review in Progress.现在已经4个多月了.通过投稿系统发邮件.不回复., beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=277, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=a73730185, createdName=yanglcau, createdTime=Sat Apr 28 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-04-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=549431, encodeId=2679549431bd, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0<br>经验分享:一审三周,大修;二审两周,小修;终审加工一周。总共五周就接收了 <br> 不需大量数据,有创新点,文章立意鲜明即可 <br> 对写作和格式要求较高,审稿极其细致,但拒稿率不高, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=285, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=efc12048063, createdName=阳爷, createdTime=Thu Nov 23 15:50:00 CST 2017, time=2017-11-23, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=544836, encodeId=437e5448368f, content=审稿速度:12.0<br>经验分享: <br> 神期刊,16年10月份投了一篇简报,文章质量一般被拒了很多次,就随意投过了,也没管。 <br> 时隔快一年,17年7月,突然收到邮件,接收了。整个人都懵了,修改都没有。好吧。。意外的收获。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=374, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=8c461721969, createdName=鱼儿吃虾米, createdTime=Thu Jul 27 14:23:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=542914, encodeId=6099542914b7, content=反正就这个熊样,也不会有所变化,只要不跌,也就万幸了, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=304, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=weiwei_zhu, createdTime=Fri Jul 14 18:51:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-14, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=538148, encodeId=6bcd538148d4, content=是的<span class="quote">jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表:<br>版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗</span>, beContent=jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表: 版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=368, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/10/09/9fadfd8468714c1f1620b8ddc5d4d717.jpg, createdBy=2b881962949, createdName=东东郭, createdTime=Sat Jun 17 00:00:00 CST 2017, time=2017-06-17, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2017-07-27 鱼儿吃虾米



  9. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094414, encodeId=aad7109441498, content=每个期刊的格式要求一样么?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=42, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://img.medsci.cn/20210511/ddebdec707734c8390a07bd0c1048717/cc11caf5d607430e9f4ca556fed68ab1.jpg, createdBy=2c4d5497888, createdName=msSSSSSD, createdTime=Wed Dec 29 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-29, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094413, encodeId=55f7109441309, content=为什么我认为我的文章只有3-4分,但导师要从7分以上开始投?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=48, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=/v1.0.0/img/user_icon.png, createdBy=bb142989248, createdName=MS68862005, createdTime=Tue Dec 28 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562451, encodeId=527456245161, content=审稿速度:2.0 | 投稿命中率:50.0<br>经验分享:今年8月13投递9月15日收到大修意见926修回10月15小修当日修回1023表示接受还是蛮快的对创新型要求不高可以作为第一篇sci尝试发表, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=175, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/02/03/9dc65007ad5539377d5289aa52504b80.jpg, createdBy=c6572360241, createdName=122cd2ffm95暂无昵称, createdTime=Sun Oct 28 08:24:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562100, encodeId=b1e35621006e, content=麻烦问下版面费要多少,谢谢。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=306, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=cc831937908, createdName=zzzzfffvvv, createdTime=Wed Oct 17 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-17, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=557430, encodeId=4ed055e43064, content=请问.最后是需要缴上万元的人民币吗?有问题吧 <span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表::<br>研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints.</span><span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 23:38:00 发表:<br>在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? <br> If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each <br> manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. <br> . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. <br> (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. <br> (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) <br> (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). <br> (4) Charges for reprints.</span>, beContent=yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表:: 研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints., objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=344, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2018/05/31/8022ea8b06407fee20818e58e050465d.jpg, createdBy=86802213223, createdName=邻家小丫头, createdTime=Thu May 31 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-05-31, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=555526, encodeId=14bf555526ca, content=2017.12.15投稿后.状态为Review in Progress.现在已经4个多月了.通过投稿系统发邮件.不回复., beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=277, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=a73730185, createdName=yanglcau, createdTime=Sat Apr 28 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-04-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=549431, encodeId=2679549431bd, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0<br>经验分享:一审三周,大修;二审两周,小修;终审加工一周。总共五周就接收了 <br> 不需大量数据,有创新点,文章立意鲜明即可 <br> 对写作和格式要求较高,审稿极其细致,但拒稿率不高, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=285, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=efc12048063, createdName=阳爷, createdTime=Thu Nov 23 15:50:00 CST 2017, time=2017-11-23, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=544836, encodeId=437e5448368f, content=审稿速度:12.0<br>经验分享: <br> 神期刊,16年10月份投了一篇简报,文章质量一般被拒了很多次,就随意投过了,也没管。 <br> 时隔快一年,17年7月,突然收到邮件,接收了。整个人都懵了,修改都没有。好吧。。意外的收获。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=374, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=8c461721969, createdName=鱼儿吃虾米, createdTime=Thu Jul 27 14:23:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=542914, encodeId=6099542914b7, content=反正就这个熊样,也不会有所变化,只要不跌,也就万幸了, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=304, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=weiwei_zhu, createdTime=Fri Jul 14 18:51:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-14, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=538148, encodeId=6bcd538148d4, content=是的<span class="quote">jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表:<br>版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗</span>, beContent=jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表: 版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=368, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/10/09/9fadfd8468714c1f1620b8ddc5d4d717.jpg, createdBy=2b881962949, createdName=东东郭, createdTime=Sat Jun 17 00:00:00 CST 2017, time=2017-06-17, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2017-07-14 weiwei_zhu



  10. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094414, encodeId=aad7109441498, content=每个期刊的格式要求一样么?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=42, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://img.medsci.cn/20210511/ddebdec707734c8390a07bd0c1048717/cc11caf5d607430e9f4ca556fed68ab1.jpg, createdBy=2c4d5497888, createdName=msSSSSSD, createdTime=Wed Dec 29 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-29, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1094413, encodeId=55f7109441309, content=为什么我认为我的文章只有3-4分,但导师要从7分以上开始投?, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=48, replyNumber=1, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=/v1.0.0/img/user_icon.png, createdBy=bb142989248, createdName=MS68862005, createdTime=Tue Dec 28 14:52:49 CST 2021, time=2021-12-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562451, encodeId=527456245161, content=审稿速度:2.0 | 投稿命中率:50.0<br>经验分享:今年8月13投递9月15日收到大修意见926修回10月15小修当日修回1023表示接受还是蛮快的对创新型要求不高可以作为第一篇sci尝试发表, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=175, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/02/03/9dc65007ad5539377d5289aa52504b80.jpg, createdBy=c6572360241, createdName=122cd2ffm95暂无昵称, createdTime=Sun Oct 28 08:24:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=562100, encodeId=b1e35621006e, content=麻烦问下版面费要多少,谢谢。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=306, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=cc831937908, createdName=zzzzfffvvv, createdTime=Wed Oct 17 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-10-17, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=557430, encodeId=4ed055e43064, content=请问.最后是需要缴上万元的人民币吗?有问题吧 <span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表::<br>研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints.</span><span class="quote">yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 23:38:00 发表:<br>在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? <br> If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each <br> manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. <br> . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. <br> (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. <br> (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) <br> (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). <br> (4) Charges for reprints.</span>, beContent=yoyozhaoli 2016-03-18 发表:: 研究方向:兽医; SCI(2014):0.782 在个期刊是不是收取审稿费和版面费啊? If the corresponding author is a member of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the submission charge is ¥10,000 for a Full paper or a Review article and ¥6,000 for a Note. If not, a submission charge of ¥25,000 will be assessed for each manu********After acceptance of the paper, the submission charge is to be paid when requested by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (Item 18). A submission charge will not be levied for Review articles submitted at the invitation of the Editorial Board. . For publication, authors will be charged the following fees. (1) A charge for English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board. (2) Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length prescribed in Item 6. (¥20,000 per 1 printed page.) (3) Color printing (¥35,000 per 1 color printed page). (4) Charges for reprints., objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=344, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=https://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2018/05/31/8022ea8b06407fee20818e58e050465d.jpg, createdBy=86802213223, createdName=邻家小丫头, createdTime=Thu May 31 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-05-31, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=555526, encodeId=14bf555526ca, content=2017.12.15投稿后.状态为Review in Progress.现在已经4个多月了.通过投稿系统发邮件.不回复., beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=277, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=a73730185, createdName=yanglcau, createdTime=Sat Apr 28 00:00:00 CST 2018, time=2018-04-28, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=549431, encodeId=2679549431bd, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0<br>经验分享:一审三周,大修;二审两周,小修;终审加工一周。总共五周就接收了 <br> 不需大量数据,有创新点,文章立意鲜明即可 <br> 对写作和格式要求较高,审稿极其细致,但拒稿率不高, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=285, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=efc12048063, createdName=阳爷, createdTime=Thu Nov 23 15:50:00 CST 2017, time=2017-11-23, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=544836, encodeId=437e5448368f, content=审稿速度:12.0<br>经验分享: <br> 神期刊,16年10月份投了一篇简报,文章质量一般被拒了很多次,就随意投过了,也没管。 <br> 时隔快一年,17年7月,突然收到邮件,接收了。整个人都懵了,修改都没有。好吧。。意外的收获。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=374, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=8c461721969, createdName=鱼儿吃虾米, createdTime=Thu Jul 27 14:23:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=542914, encodeId=6099542914b7, content=反正就这个熊样,也不会有所变化,只要不跌,也就万幸了, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=304, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=weiwei_zhu, createdTime=Fri Jul 14 18:51:00 CST 2017, time=2017-07-14, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=538148, encodeId=6bcd538148d4, content=是的<span class="quote">jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表:<br>版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗</span>, beContent=jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表: 版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=368, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=http://cdnapi.center.medsci.cn/medsci/head/2019/10/09/9fadfd8468714c1f1620b8ddc5d4d717.jpg, createdBy=2b881962949, createdName=东东郭, createdTime=Sat Jun 17 00:00:00 CST 2017, time=2017-06-17, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2017-06-17 东东郭

    是的jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表:

    jj" 2017-03-21 15:52:00 发表: 版面费和审稿费指的是日元吗


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