出版年份:1981 年文章数:2064 投稿命中率: 开通期刊会员,数据随心看

出版周期:Bimonthly 自引率:6.6% 审稿周期: 开通期刊会员,数据随心看



  1. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=513281, encodeId=4b4451328178, content=审稿速度:1.0<br>经验分享:下午提交的,4小时不到就有回信,直接被拒,郁闷啊: <br> I write regarding Manuscript ID JAT-15-0431 entitled "An improment of LLNA:DA to assess the skin sensitization potential of chemicals" which you submitted to Journal of Applied Toxicology. <br> <br> Your article has been declined for publication. It does not comply with author guidelines (no separate title page, no short abstract, no ethical/welfare standards or statements) and the English is below the standards required of this journal which recommends professional editing services <br> , beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=320, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=70d71631296, createdName=ouyanglan1987, createdTime=Tue Jul 07 10:46:00 CST 2015, time=2015-07-07, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=507781, encodeId=dbd350e781fe, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0<br>经验分享:速度太快了,一审半个月,给大修,给的修改期限是半年,结果花了半个月时间就修回了。二审17天后直接接收!效率很高,就是正式发表时间很长,但网上应该很快就挂出来了。目前,接收中国人的文章数量比较少,希望不要被国人灌水。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=309, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=, createdTime=Fri Nov 21 08:39:00 CST 2014, time=2014-11-21, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=500253, encodeId=a45350025336, content=审稿速度:1.0<br>经验分享:效率是相当高啊,投稿不到12小时就悲剧了 <br> Your article has been declined for publication because it does not comply with author guidelines. <br> 1. The description and maintenance of animals is inadequate. There is no welfare compliance standard or ethical statement. <br> 2. There is no characterisation of the test article as it has been obtsained from a non standard route/supplier <br> 3. The English is below acceptable standards and unclear. It is unclear how the animals were actually treated. <br> 4. The structure of the article does not follow guidelines and does not have a short abstract <br> <br> A resubmission will not be considered., beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=309, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=leon, createdTime=Wed Dec 18 15:43:00 CST 2013, time=2013-12-18, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=497597, encodeId=a78449e597e4, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:50.0<br>经验分享:前段时间刚接收了一篇,感觉总体较易,不一定需要很深入的机制研究。审稿速度较快,一般2-3周就会给结果。但编辑颇为谨慎,大修(major revision)都会再次送审。此外,接受后文章挂到网上的速度比较慢。具体投稿过程如下: <br> March 19, 2013 Received/Under Review <br> April 4, 2013 Major Revision (R1) <br> April 19, 2013 Revision R1 submitted <br> May 6, 2013 Major Revision (R2) <br> May 21, 2013 Revision R2 submitted <br> June 13, 2013 Accepted, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=375, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=hqy03, createdTime=Tue Jul 02 10:53:00 CST 2013, time=2013-07-02, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=825985, encodeId=2766825985a8, content=发表速度怎样呀 , beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=40, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=9ad75414098, createdName=ms658988217505615, createdTime=Sun Jun 02 23:29:00 CST 2013, time=2013-06-02, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=472039, encodeId=48144e2039e4, content=这个杂志比较容易中,但速度实在是不敢恭维!, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=451, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=bell chen, createdTime=Thu Oct 07 15:28:00 CST 2010, time=2010-10-07, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2015-07-07 ouyanglan1987

    I write regarding Manuscript ID JAT-15-0431 entitled "An improment of LLNA:DA to assess the skin sensitization potential of chemicals" which you submitted to Journal of Applied Toxicology.

    Your article has been declined for publication. It does not comply with author guidelines (no separate title page, no short abstract, no ethical/welfare standards or statements) and the English is below the standards required of this journal which recommends professional editing services


  2. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=513281, encodeId=4b4451328178, content=审稿速度:1.0<br>经验分享:下午提交的,4小时不到就有回信,直接被拒,郁闷啊: <br> I write regarding Manuscript ID JAT-15-0431 entitled "An improment of LLNA:DA to assess the skin sensitization potential of chemicals" which you submitted to Journal of Applied Toxicology. <br> <br> Your article has been declined for publication. It does not comply with author guidelines (no separate title page, no short abstract, no ethical/welfare standards or statements) and the English is below the standards required of this journal which recommends professional editing services <br> , beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=320, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=70d71631296, createdName=ouyanglan1987, createdTime=Tue Jul 07 10:46:00 CST 2015, time=2015-07-07, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=507781, encodeId=dbd350e781fe, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0<br>经验分享:速度太快了,一审半个月,给大修,给的修改期限是半年,结果花了半个月时间就修回了。二审17天后直接接收!效率很高,就是正式发表时间很长,但网上应该很快就挂出来了。目前,接收中国人的文章数量比较少,希望不要被国人灌水。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=309, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=, createdTime=Fri Nov 21 08:39:00 CST 2014, time=2014-11-21, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=500253, encodeId=a45350025336, content=审稿速度:1.0<br>经验分享:效率是相当高啊,投稿不到12小时就悲剧了 <br> Your article has been declined for publication because it does not comply with author guidelines. <br> 1. The description and maintenance of animals is inadequate. There is no welfare compliance standard or ethical statement. <br> 2. There is no characterisation of the test article as it has been obtsained from a non standard route/supplier <br> 3. The English is below acceptable standards and unclear. It is unclear how the animals were actually treated. <br> 4. The structure of the article does not follow guidelines and does not have a short abstract <br> <br> A resubmission will not be considered., beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=309, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=leon, createdTime=Wed Dec 18 15:43:00 CST 2013, time=2013-12-18, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=497597, encodeId=a78449e597e4, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:50.0<br>经验分享:前段时间刚接收了一篇,感觉总体较易,不一定需要很深入的机制研究。审稿速度较快,一般2-3周就会给结果。但编辑颇为谨慎,大修(major revision)都会再次送审。此外,接受后文章挂到网上的速度比较慢。具体投稿过程如下: <br> March 19, 2013 Received/Under Review <br> April 4, 2013 Major Revision (R1) <br> April 19, 2013 Revision R1 submitted <br> May 6, 2013 Major Revision (R2) <br> May 21, 2013 Revision R2 submitted <br> June 13, 2013 Accepted, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=375, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=hqy03, createdTime=Tue Jul 02 10:53:00 CST 2013, time=2013-07-02, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=825985, encodeId=2766825985a8, content=发表速度怎样呀 , beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=40, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=9ad75414098, createdName=ms658988217505615, createdTime=Sun Jun 02 23:29:00 CST 2013, time=2013-06-02, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=472039, encodeId=48144e2039e4, content=这个杂志比较容易中,但速度实在是不敢恭维!, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=451, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=bell chen, createdTime=Thu Oct 07 15:28:00 CST 2010, time=2010-10-07, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2014-11-21 匿名用户

    审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0


  3. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=513281, encodeId=4b4451328178, content=审稿速度:1.0<br>经验分享:下午提交的,4小时不到就有回信,直接被拒,郁闷啊: <br> I write regarding Manuscript ID JAT-15-0431 entitled "An improment of LLNA:DA to assess the skin sensitization potential of chemicals" which you submitted to Journal of Applied Toxicology. <br> <br> Your article has been declined for publication. It does not comply with author guidelines (no separate title page, no short abstract, no ethical/welfare standards or statements) and the English is below the standards required of this journal which recommends professional editing services <br> , beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=320, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=70d71631296, createdName=ouyanglan1987, createdTime=Tue Jul 07 10:46:00 CST 2015, time=2015-07-07, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=507781, encodeId=dbd350e781fe, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0<br>经验分享:速度太快了,一审半个月,给大修,给的修改期限是半年,结果花了半个月时间就修回了。二审17天后直接接收!效率很高,就是正式发表时间很长,但网上应该很快就挂出来了。目前,接收中国人的文章数量比较少,希望不要被国人灌水。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=309, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=, createdTime=Fri Nov 21 08:39:00 CST 2014, time=2014-11-21, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=500253, encodeId=a45350025336, content=审稿速度:1.0<br>经验分享:效率是相当高啊,投稿不到12小时就悲剧了 <br> Your article has been declined for publication because it does not comply with author guidelines. <br> 1. The description and maintenance of animals is inadequate. There is no welfare compliance standard or ethical statement. <br> 2. There is no characterisation of the test article as it has been obtsained from a non standard route/supplier <br> 3. The English is below acceptable standards and unclear. It is unclear how the animals were actually treated. <br> 4. The structure of the article does not follow guidelines and does not have a short abstract <br> <br> A resubmission will not be considered., beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=309, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=leon, createdTime=Wed Dec 18 15:43:00 CST 2013, time=2013-12-18, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=497597, encodeId=a78449e597e4, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:50.0<br>经验分享:前段时间刚接收了一篇,感觉总体较易,不一定需要很深入的机制研究。审稿速度较快,一般2-3周就会给结果。但编辑颇为谨慎,大修(major revision)都会再次送审。此外,接受后文章挂到网上的速度比较慢。具体投稿过程如下: <br> March 19, 2013 Received/Under Review <br> April 4, 2013 Major Revision (R1) <br> April 19, 2013 Revision R1 submitted <br> May 6, 2013 Major Revision (R2) <br> May 21, 2013 Revision R2 submitted <br> June 13, 2013 Accepted, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=375, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=hqy03, createdTime=Tue Jul 02 10:53:00 CST 2013, time=2013-07-02, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=825985, encodeId=2766825985a8, content=发表速度怎样呀 , beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=40, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=9ad75414098, createdName=ms658988217505615, createdTime=Sun Jun 02 23:29:00 CST 2013, time=2013-06-02, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=472039, encodeId=48144e2039e4, content=这个杂志比较容易中,但速度实在是不敢恭维!, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=451, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=bell chen, createdTime=Thu Oct 07 15:28:00 CST 2010, time=2010-10-07, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2013-12-18 leon

    Your article has been declined for publication because it does not comply with author guidelines.
    1. The description and maintenance of animals is inadequate. There is no welfare compliance standard or ethical statement.
    2. There is no characterisation of the test article as it has been obtsained from a non standard route/supplier
    3. The English is below acceptable standards and unclear. It is unclear how the animals were actually treated.
    4. The structure of the article does not follow guidelines and does not have a short abstract

    A resubmission will not be considered.


  4. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=513281, encodeId=4b4451328178, content=审稿速度:1.0<br>经验分享:下午提交的,4小时不到就有回信,直接被拒,郁闷啊: <br> I write regarding Manuscript ID JAT-15-0431 entitled "An improment of LLNA:DA to assess the skin sensitization potential of chemicals" which you submitted to Journal of Applied Toxicology. <br> <br> Your article has been declined for publication. It does not comply with author guidelines (no separate title page, no short abstract, no ethical/welfare standards or statements) and the English is below the standards required of this journal which recommends professional editing services <br> , beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=320, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=70d71631296, createdName=ouyanglan1987, createdTime=Tue Jul 07 10:46:00 CST 2015, time=2015-07-07, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=507781, encodeId=dbd350e781fe, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0<br>经验分享:速度太快了,一审半个月,给大修,给的修改期限是半年,结果花了半个月时间就修回了。二审17天后直接接收!效率很高,就是正式发表时间很长,但网上应该很快就挂出来了。目前,接收中国人的文章数量比较少,希望不要被国人灌水。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=309, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=, createdTime=Fri Nov 21 08:39:00 CST 2014, time=2014-11-21, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=500253, encodeId=a45350025336, content=审稿速度:1.0<br>经验分享:效率是相当高啊,投稿不到12小时就悲剧了 <br> Your article has been declined for publication because it does not comply with author guidelines. <br> 1. The description and maintenance of animals is inadequate. There is no welfare compliance standard or ethical statement. <br> 2. There is no characterisation of the test article as it has been obtsained from a non standard route/supplier <br> 3. The English is below acceptable standards and unclear. It is unclear how the animals were actually treated. <br> 4. The structure of the article does not follow guidelines and does not have a short abstract <br> <br> A resubmission will not be considered., beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=309, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=leon, createdTime=Wed Dec 18 15:43:00 CST 2013, time=2013-12-18, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=497597, encodeId=a78449e597e4, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:50.0<br>经验分享:前段时间刚接收了一篇,感觉总体较易,不一定需要很深入的机制研究。审稿速度较快,一般2-3周就会给结果。但编辑颇为谨慎,大修(major revision)都会再次送审。此外,接受后文章挂到网上的速度比较慢。具体投稿过程如下: <br> March 19, 2013 Received/Under Review <br> April 4, 2013 Major Revision (R1) <br> April 19, 2013 Revision R1 submitted <br> May 6, 2013 Major Revision (R2) <br> May 21, 2013 Revision R2 submitted <br> June 13, 2013 Accepted, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=375, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=hqy03, createdTime=Tue Jul 02 10:53:00 CST 2013, time=2013-07-02, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=825985, encodeId=2766825985a8, content=发表速度怎样呀 , beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=40, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=9ad75414098, createdName=ms658988217505615, createdTime=Sun Jun 02 23:29:00 CST 2013, time=2013-06-02, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=472039, encodeId=48144e2039e4, content=这个杂志比较容易中,但速度实在是不敢恭维!, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=451, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=bell chen, createdTime=Thu Oct 07 15:28:00 CST 2010, time=2010-10-07, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2013-07-02 hqy03

    审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:50.0
    经验分享:前段时间刚接收了一篇,感觉总体较易,不一定需要很深入的机制研究。审稿速度较快,一般2-3周就会给结果。但编辑颇为谨慎,大修(major revision)都会再次送审。此外,接受后文章挂到网上的速度比较慢。具体投稿过程如下:
    March 19, 2013 Received/Under Review
    April 4, 2013 Major Revision (R1)
    April 19, 2013 Revision R1 submitted
    May 6, 2013 Major Revision (R2)
    May 21, 2013 Revision R2 submitted
    June 13, 2013 Accepted


  5. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=513281, encodeId=4b4451328178, content=审稿速度:1.0<br>经验分享:下午提交的,4小时不到就有回信,直接被拒,郁闷啊: <br> I write regarding Manuscript ID JAT-15-0431 entitled "An improment of LLNA:DA to assess the skin sensitization potential of chemicals" which you submitted to Journal of Applied Toxicology. <br> <br> Your article has been declined for publication. It does not comply with author guidelines (no separate title page, no short abstract, no ethical/welfare standards or statements) and the English is below the standards required of this journal which recommends professional editing services <br> , beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=320, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=70d71631296, createdName=ouyanglan1987, createdTime=Tue Jul 07 10:46:00 CST 2015, time=2015-07-07, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=507781, encodeId=dbd350e781fe, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0<br>经验分享:速度太快了,一审半个月,给大修,给的修改期限是半年,结果花了半个月时间就修回了。二审17天后直接接收!效率很高,就是正式发表时间很长,但网上应该很快就挂出来了。目前,接收中国人的文章数量比较少,希望不要被国人灌水。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=309, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=, createdTime=Fri Nov 21 08:39:00 CST 2014, time=2014-11-21, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=500253, encodeId=a45350025336, content=审稿速度:1.0<br>经验分享:效率是相当高啊,投稿不到12小时就悲剧了 <br> Your article has been declined for publication because it does not comply with author guidelines. <br> 1. The description and maintenance of animals is inadequate. There is no welfare compliance standard or ethical statement. <br> 2. There is no characterisation of the test article as it has been obtsained from a non standard route/supplier <br> 3. The English is below acceptable standards and unclear. It is unclear how the animals were actually treated. <br> 4. The structure of the article does not follow guidelines and does not have a short abstract <br> <br> A resubmission will not be considered., beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=309, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=leon, createdTime=Wed Dec 18 15:43:00 CST 2013, time=2013-12-18, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=497597, encodeId=a78449e597e4, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:50.0<br>经验分享:前段时间刚接收了一篇,感觉总体较易,不一定需要很深入的机制研究。审稿速度较快,一般2-3周就会给结果。但编辑颇为谨慎,大修(major revision)都会再次送审。此外,接受后文章挂到网上的速度比较慢。具体投稿过程如下: <br> March 19, 2013 Received/Under Review <br> April 4, 2013 Major Revision (R1) <br> April 19, 2013 Revision R1 submitted <br> May 6, 2013 Major Revision (R2) <br> May 21, 2013 Revision R2 submitted <br> June 13, 2013 Accepted, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=375, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=hqy03, createdTime=Tue Jul 02 10:53:00 CST 2013, time=2013-07-02, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=825985, encodeId=2766825985a8, content=发表速度怎样呀 , beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=40, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=9ad75414098, createdName=ms658988217505615, createdTime=Sun Jun 02 23:29:00 CST 2013, time=2013-06-02, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=472039, encodeId=48144e2039e4, content=这个杂志比较容易中,但速度实在是不敢恭维!, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=451, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=bell chen, createdTime=Thu Oct 07 15:28:00 CST 2010, time=2010-10-07, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2013-06-02 ms658988217505615



  6. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=513281, encodeId=4b4451328178, content=审稿速度:1.0<br>经验分享:下午提交的,4小时不到就有回信,直接被拒,郁闷啊: <br> I write regarding Manuscript ID JAT-15-0431 entitled "An improment of LLNA:DA to assess the skin sensitization potential of chemicals" which you submitted to Journal of Applied Toxicology. <br> <br> Your article has been declined for publication. It does not comply with author guidelines (no separate title page, no short abstract, no ethical/welfare standards or statements) and the English is below the standards required of this journal which recommends professional editing services <br> , beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=320, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=70d71631296, createdName=ouyanglan1987, createdTime=Tue Jul 07 10:46:00 CST 2015, time=2015-07-07, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=507781, encodeId=dbd350e781fe, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0<br>经验分享:速度太快了,一审半个月,给大修,给的修改期限是半年,结果花了半个月时间就修回了。二审17天后直接接收!效率很高,就是正式发表时间很长,但网上应该很快就挂出来了。目前,接收中国人的文章数量比较少,希望不要被国人灌水。, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=309, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=, createdTime=Fri Nov 21 08:39:00 CST 2014, time=2014-11-21, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=500253, encodeId=a45350025336, content=审稿速度:1.0<br>经验分享:效率是相当高啊,投稿不到12小时就悲剧了 <br> Your article has been declined for publication because it does not comply with author guidelines. <br> 1. The description and maintenance of animals is inadequate. There is no welfare compliance standard or ethical statement. <br> 2. There is no characterisation of the test article as it has been obtsained from a non standard route/supplier <br> 3. The English is below acceptable standards and unclear. It is unclear how the animals were actually treated. <br> 4. The structure of the article does not follow guidelines and does not have a short abstract <br> <br> A resubmission will not be considered., beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=309, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=leon, createdTime=Wed Dec 18 15:43:00 CST 2013, time=2013-12-18, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=497597, encodeId=a78449e597e4, content=审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:50.0<br>经验分享:前段时间刚接收了一篇,感觉总体较易,不一定需要很深入的机制研究。审稿速度较快,一般2-3周就会给结果。但编辑颇为谨慎,大修(major revision)都会再次送审。此外,接受后文章挂到网上的速度比较慢。具体投稿过程如下: <br> March 19, 2013 Received/Under Review <br> April 4, 2013 Major Revision (R1) <br> April 19, 2013 Revision R1 submitted <br> May 6, 2013 Major Revision (R2) <br> May 21, 2013 Revision R2 submitted <br> June 13, 2013 Accepted, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=375, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=hqy03, createdTime=Tue Jul 02 10:53:00 CST 2013, time=2013-07-02, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=825985, encodeId=2766825985a8, content=发表速度怎样呀 , beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=40, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=9ad75414098, createdName=ms658988217505615, createdTime=Sun Jun 02 23:29:00 CST 2013, time=2013-06-02, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=472039, encodeId=48144e2039e4, content=这个杂志比较容易中,但速度实在是不敢恭维!, beContent=null, objectType=tool_impact_factor, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=451, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=bell chen, createdTime=Thu Oct 07 15:28:00 CST 2010, time=2010-10-07, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2010-10-07 bell chen



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