
2012-01-01 MedSci MedSci原创

在Inernaltional Journal of Epidemiology发表的最新研究成果显示,服用维生素补充剂其实是有害的。英国《每日邮报》网站12月27日报道题:服用多种维生素片“对健康毫无影响”。 成百上千万英国人每天必服多种维生素片,希望借此防止体弱多病。然而根据一项大型研究的结果显示,尽管维生素补充剂要花掉人们成百上千万英镑,却对人们的健康毫无影响。 研究人员在6年多时间里跟踪调

Inernaltional Journal of Epidemiology发表的最新研究成果显示,服用维生素补充剂其实是有害的。英国《每日邮报》网站12月27日报道题:服用多种维生素片“对健康毫无影响”。











服用维生素的一组有120人患癌症,另一组有 139人。两组中患心脏病的人数分别是65人和57人。

在《国际流行病学期刊》(Inernaltional Journal of Epidemiology)刊登的研究报告中,研究人员指出:“服用补充剂可改善健康状况的看法在这项实验中未得到佐证。”(生物谷


Long-term antioxidant supplementation has no effect on health-related quality of life: The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, primary prevention SU.VI.MAX trial
Serge Brianon, Stéphanie Boini, Sandrine Bertrais, Francis Guillemin Pilar Galan and Serge Hercberg
Background The effect of antioxidant vitamin and mineral supplementation on health is one of the most controversial issues in human nutrition. Our objective was to investigate the effect of nutritional doses of a combination of antioxidant vitamins and minerals on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in a sample of healthy French adults. Methods SU.VI.MAX is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, primary prevention trial in which a total of 8112 participants received a single capsule daily containing either placebo or vitamin C 120 mg, vitamin E 30 mg, beta-carotene 6 mg, selenium 100 μg and zinc 20 mg. Participants completed HRQoL questionnaires (SF36 and GHQ12) at baseline and after a mean of 76.0 ± 4.2 months. Results Scores for physical dimensions tended to decrease over time, whereas those for mental dimensions tended to improve. No differences in changes over time were observed between the supplement and placebo groups. Participants who believed that they received placebo had lower HRQoL scores than did those who thought they had received supplements [SF36 Bodily pain (?3.3), General health (?2.2), Vitality (?1.6) dimensions and physical component summary score (?1.1) in men, and in SF36 Social functioning (?2.3), General health (?1.4) dimensions and physical component summary score (?0.7) in women]. Conclusions Long-term supplementation with antioxidant vitamins and minerals had no beneficial effect on HRQoL in this trial. This is contrary to conventional beliefs and claims that such an effect exists.

Taking multi-vitamin pills 'does nothing for our health'

By Daily Mail Reporter/27th December 2011

They  are a daily essential for millions of Britons hoping to ward off ill-health.

But despite the millions of pounds spent on vitamin pills, they do nothing for our health, according to a major study.
Researchers spent more than six years following 8,000 people and found that those taking supplements were just as likely to  have developed cancer or heart disease as those who took an identical-looking dummy pill.
And when they were questioned on how healthy they felt, there was hardly any difference between the two groups.
Experts said the study – one of the most extensive carried out into vitamin pills – suggested that  millions of consumers may be wasting their money on supplements.
Many users fall into the category of the ‘worried well’ – healthy  adults who believe the pills  will insure them against deadly  illnesses – according to  Catherine Collins, chief dietician  at St George’s Hospital in London.
She said: ‘It’s the worried well who are taking these pills to try and protect themselves against Alzheimer’s disease, heart attacks and strokes.

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芬兰等国研究显示,中老年女性服用维生素或微量元素补剂可能会令早逝风险增加。不过,这一观点引发不少反对声。 芬兰与美国研究人员研究美国“艾奥瓦州女性健康调查”的资料。这项调查涉及3.9万名年龄为55岁至69岁的美国女性,她们1986年到2004年间三次报告经常服用的维生素或微量元素补剂种类。 统计数据显示,调查开始时,约有63%的女性服用补剂,到2004年调查结束时,服用补剂的人数比例增至85%